
C# usercontrol how to access all child controls

Hello, I defined a custom panel with a table layout panel inside. However when I used this control on a winform I do not have access to the table layout panel properties. (I want for instance add a column or dock an other control in a cell). I try to changed the modifier property to public, but it still does not work. What can I do in o...

Navigate dom using jquery to get at specific elements

I am trying to use jquery's parents/siblings to find particular input elements but I cannot seem to get this right. I have the following HTML: <div id="ExtrasOptions"> <div class="selectItem"> <div class="selectPrice"><span>Qty: <input name="qty" type="text" value="0" maxlength="2" id="qty" class="AccessoryQuantity" /></span></div...

MDI Parent Child Form location problems

I know using the follwing two methods for showing a form in another form method1 public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Form2 embeddedForm = new Form2(); embeddedForm.TopLevel = false; Controls.Add(embeddedForm); embeddedForm.Show(); } method 2 Form1 fChild = new Form1(); fChild.MdiParent = this; fChild.Show();...

Change control's parent at runtime vb .net

I'm making a custom control that can be dragged around and it is semi transparent. I need it so that while it is moving (the mousemove event) that if it intersects a control that its parent becomes that control. I tried to have it iterate through all the controls and if control.bounds.intersectswith me.clientrectangle then me.parent = co...

IE browser hangs when reopens a pop up window from the sidebar

Hi, I have a sidebar application, and the sidebar itself acts as a parent window. A child pop up IM window will open from this parent window by clicking a link. The problem is that, when we try to close the pop up IM window and reopen a pop up IM window, there is large time delay for opening the pop up IM window again ( IN ie6 the page c...

Handling subview's touch events within it's parent while retaining screen coordinate data relative to window

Hi, Parent is a UIImageView, child is a UIImageView. Both have enable user interaction set to yes. Problem is that child will cover parent view, so can't fire touches from the parent, need to do them from the child. But how can the child either set a new image file in the parent based on it's touch events which can be acquired by user ...

Actionscript 3: make certain objects in child A appear above child B while others appear under child B

Imagine I have a background and I want to show the background under the player object. This can be done with ease: var player:Player = new Player(); addChild(player); var background:Background = new Background(); addChildAt(background, 0); However, imagine in this background I have transparent clouds which have to appear above the sh...

Bug or My Stupidity

Not sure if I've just missed something but this doesn't work: $(this).children('td.threadtitle a').html('thread title'); However this does $(this).children('td.threadtitle').children('a').html('thread title'); I'm just trying to understand why this is occuring. But is this a bug? ...

How to get the id of the parent and the position of an li item

Hello. I want to change a nested Navigation by drag and drop and i find a nice plugin. Now i want to store the changes in the database, but unfortually I can't read out the id of the parent element. The second thing what I need is the new position of the dragged li element in the list <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jquery/...

Parent-Child Database (MS ACCESS)

I'm trying to build a database for a hospital program. I have two tables that are related in a parent-child relationship. I have a form to add new records (records that dont already have a parent record) and I want to build forms that allow me to view all of a parent record's "children" as well as allowing me to edit them. I want this...

Resources and localization - parent / child strings in .resx files?

I'm creating WebResources.resx file with several string messages I'd like to categorize: Signup_Status_Inactive Signup_Status_Reserved etc... Since it's just an XML file in the background, is it possible to create parent/child relationships so I don't have to prefix related strings and follow a better dot notation? To get around this ...

How do I select one parent row and additional rows for its children without a UNION?

I have a parent and child table and want to create a select statement that, given a parent id, returns a row for that parent and additional rows for every child. Doing a left join is not giving me a row for the parent by itself when one or more children exist. I know this can be done with a UNION but I'm looking for a solution that does ...

retrieve user control child elements programatically in .net, how to?

ive been searching throughout msdn, but i dont know what I should be searching for do I access the child elements of a user control, I do not wish to create a new custom control that renders its own html, the html output is a simple repeater in an ascx file, it looks like this: <asp:repeater id="rpContent" runat="server" o...

Help finding the deepest Child Control for SpellChecking

I am trying to Refactor this code as it is repeated ad nauseum throughout my program. My problem has to do with the fact that on any given page(tabpage,panel,uc,etc) there are controls at multiple levels to spellcheck. i.e. --> foreach (Control control in tpgSystems.Controls) { if (control.GetT...

[C#] NHibernate- Prevent deletion on a particular entity (i.e. make read-only)

Hi all How can I prevent NHibernate from deleting a single entity of a specific class? A programmatic way I am using at the moment entails checking for the entity's unique field "Name". Here's the scenario: I have a person and a group. The group can have persons and other groups. If the group named "Admins" is attempted to be deleted, ...

NHibernate - Mapping parent/child one-to-many association from same table

I'm pretty new to NHibernate and am having a problem getting this kind of mapping to work. I'm using NHibernate 2.1.0.GA and NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes 2.0. I have a single table (t_Posts) related to itself as a parent/child relationship: t_Posts ------------------------ (PK) PostID bigint DatePosted datetime Body nvarcha...

Accessing ChildControl Values of a GridView

Hi guys, I tried to search for this question and plenty results come up, but not exactly what I'm getting, so here it goes: I have a simple GridView control and I want to access the value of the child controls once submited I'm doing this: <asp:GridView ID="gvQuery" runat="server" GridLines="None" CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="5" ...

How can a child Sprite prevent a Mouse Event from reaching its parent?

Below is the code for a simple Flex actionscript project. A sprite is partially covering a hyperlink. What's happening is that when you hover over the sprite, if you're also hovering over the hyperlink, the hyperlink is activated. I want to prevent that. I want the hyperlink to be activated only when the mouse hovers over it -- but not ...

Can I use a .net control parent class to enable/disable it?

I need to write a delegate for a multi-threaded program that will enable/disable a variety of controls. It seems logical that using one handler for all controls would be the best choice, but I'm not even sure this is possible in .net and if so how to implement. ...

Subsonic - can anyone provide an example of using Subsonic SimpleRepository to persist a list/array of objects?

I'm looking for possible ways to persist the following classes. Subsonic SimpleRepository looks like it might work, and people have said it should, when I asked a more general question. But I've been unable to find a single example of how to do this - or at least one I could understand. Can anyone point me to an example, or tell me ...