
How can I explain to a non-technical person what I do for a living?

How do you relate to non-technical people (read: your significant other/mom/dad/family/etc.) about your job with programming? When asked about how my day was at work, I find it rather difficult to explain anything specific without going over their heads. How do you handle such situations? ...

How to create an SQL Server 2005 CTE to return parent-child records, for children with multiple parents.

Hi there. I'm experimenting with CTE's in SQL Server but have reached a dead end with getting the following scenario to work. I have a hierarchy table similar to this: Node(ID:439) Node(ID:123) Node(ID:900) Node(ID:56) Node(ID:900) Expected results: NodeID ParentNodeID 439 0 123 439 900 123 56 439 90...

"cp --parents" in batch file/VBScript

How would you write this having only batch files and VBScript at your disposal in a Windows environment? find -name '*.ext' -exec cp --parents {} destination/ \; Or put it this way: Look recursively in the current folder for some filename pattern (ending with an extension called ext in the example above), Copy each of these files to...

jquery traversing - there has to be a better way than mine!

Hi Folks, I'd like to know if someone has a better way to access the elements #type and #type_new based on my html: <tr> <th>Type of Organization</th> <td id="toggle"> <select name="type" id="type"> <option>Church</option> <option>College</option> <option>Theatre</option> </select> <input name="type_n...

Getting Parent Layout in Qt

Hi, quick question. Is there any way to (easily) retrieve the parent layout of a widget in Qt? PS: QObject::parent() won't work, for logical reasons. EDIT: I'm positive the widget has a parent layout, because I added it to a layout earlier in the code. Now, I have many other layouts in the window and while it is possible for me to keep...

Adding "this" to the parents stack for "each" in jQuery

This question is a bit of a two-parter. First, the title question. Here's what I've got: // Report all of the parents $(this).parents().each(function(i){ // Collect the parts in a var var $crumb = ''; // Get the tag name of the parent $crumb += "<span class='tagName'>"+this.tagName+"</span>"; // And finally, repor...

jQuery parents (nested divs) change class

I'm trying to learn jQuery I want that, when I hover a children, he changes (rose in the image) the class of parents (XI). I believe that must be something like that $(this).parent().addClass("XI"); You can copy and save it near jQuery <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "

Jquery: Select full href with a 'contains' method.

Hi to all, Is it possible using jQuery to select one full link which href contains another variable? My code is: var element1 = $(".not-viewed").parents('li').attr("id"); var element2 = $(".videoTitle").attr("href"); Where i need to select a full link that contains 'element1',because there several videos in the page.In my code sele...

Most elegant way to find node's predecessors with networkX

I'm working on a graphical model project with python using NetworkX. NetworkX provides simple and good functionality using dictionaries: import networkx as nx G = nx.DiGraph() # a directed graph G.add_edge('a', 'b') print G['a'] # prints {'b': {}} print G['b'] # prints {} I want to use directed graphs because I am coding dependencies ...