After some exploration, I found a "partial" solution to the problem.
If you are creating the layout and managing a widget with it, it is possible to retrieve this layout later in the code by using Qt's dynamic properties. Now, to use QWidget::setProperty(), the object you are going to store needs to be a registered meta type. A pointer to QHBoxLayout is not a registered meta type, but there are two workarounds. The simplest workaround is to register the object by adding this anywhere in your code:
The second workaround is to wrap the object:
struct Layout {
QHBoxLayout* layout;
Once the object is a registered meta type, you can save it this way:
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
QWidget* widget = new QWidget;
widget->setProperty("managingLayout", QVariant::fromValue(layout));
Or this way if you used the second workaround:
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
QWidget* widget = new QWidget;
Layout l;
l.layout = layout;
widget->setProperty("managingLayout", QVariant::fromValue(l));
Later when you need to retrieve the layout, you can retrieve it this way:
QHBoxLayout* layout = widget->property("managingLayout").value<QHBoxLayout*>();
Or like this:
Layout l = widget->property("managingLayout").value<Layout>();
QHBoxLayout* layout = l.layout;
This approach is applicable only when you created the layout. If you did not create the layout and set it, then there is not a simple way of retrieving it later. Also you will have to keep track of the layout and update the managingLayout property when necessary.