
RoR: partials with resources

I have a problem, trying to render partials in ruby on rails with the short notation for resoures. Somehow, RoR displays simply nothing that has to do with the partial, but i get no errors as well. I mean, the resulting HTML looks like the call for the partial simply wouldn't be there. I'm also confused, because i can see in the log, tha...

How do I show Welcome "CurrentUserName" at the top of my MasterPage in MVC environment?

I was told that I can create ActionResult in any Controller and return PartialView with User.Identity.Name. I can then RenderPartialView in my MasterPage in order to display the user's name. I was trying to implement it, but kept getting an error that the system is not seeing my PartialView. Can someone please please explain in detail ho...

Best practice for returning a response from a partial view

I'm writing a simple blogging platform with ASP.NET MVC. My question is regarding forms contained in partial views and handling the response, validation errors or success, from the controller. I have a blog post item view which has an associated controller that returns a post for a given URL. Embedded in this view is a partial view cont...

User controls in ASP.NET MVC

I am loving MVC but can't see to understand how your meant to implement User Controls. If I have a Multiple views each with shopping basket details how can I encapulate the shopping basket view and code so I don't have to return the basket data with each controller viewdata? ...

Render two or more partial views

I have an Ajax.Actionlink that fires to a method that is placed inside my controller which returns a list of users and renders a partial view. [Authorize] public ActionResult UsersAddresses() { ... ... return PartialView("AddressesList",users); } Is there any way how I can render two or more partial views at the same t...

ASP.NET MVC - PartialView Architectural question

This is more of a architect question rather than one that requires code. I have a page that requires me to display the status of a particular project. Let's say for the sake or brevity that there are two states, Open and Closed. When the project is open I want to display a PartialView showing me one set of details. If the project is ...

How can I better handle this situation in ASP.NET MVC concerning my Partial Views?

I have a single view which has a menu on the left hand side and a container on the right hand side that is rendered from one of several partial views. Right now I'm running into a situation like the following "Index" view: <div class="container"> <div class="leftHandMenu"> // various dynamic menu items </div> ...

PartialView Validation

I am having this issue where I have a form in a partialview but when validating it jumps out of the parent view and appears on its own (having the submit action url). Also I tried with Render.Action, where validation does not fire at all. I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 RC and need the server-side validation to work, using the built in valida...

View Called from Partial Not Submitting Form Data

Hi! I hope I am able to put this question together well. In a partial view I have a link to a create action: public ActionResult CreateProject() { return View("EditProject", new Project()); } Now this loads another view which allows editing of the blank model passed to it. But when form is submitted it is supposed to post to: [Ac...

How to transfer paramenters to Partial View in ASP.NET MVC?

On the Details view I want to display a grid from other table. How to implement it better? I'm trying to do it in a such a way (error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'object'): <%= Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Appartament/Index.ascx", new { id = Model.blockhouse_id })%> Here is the code from details view: <%@ Page Title=""...

SparkViewEngine: Is there a functionality available that's equivalent to a PHP Include?

Hello, I am using the SparkViewEngine with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and was wondering if there is a way to include another View within your current view. For example, I have this view called ResourceManager.spark. Inside this file, I want to include another sub-view called Resources.spark. Thanks! Abe ...

MVC: Model missing data in partial view

I'm using the Telerik PanelBar to do some asynchronous loading using a partial view. I'm creating a model for the partial view in a parent view, but for some reason my data isn't coming through in tact. // Parent view <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar().Name("PanelBar").HtmlAttributes(new { style = "padding-left: 0em;" }).Items(items => { ...

RESTfully getting HTML partial content via AJAX in Rails

In my Rails app, I have a model called "Photo" and a PhotosController. As would be expected, I've RESTfully routed the URLs so that the URL "/photos" returns an HTML-rendered list of all photos (as thumbnails), and "/photos/foo" returns an HTML-rendered representation of the photo with the friendly_id of "foo". (I also do XML, JSON, and ...

Difference between Partial VIews and User Controls in MVC

Can anyone please tell what's the exact differences between partial views and user controls in an MVC app? Which one is feasible to use? I am using user controls for filling my views which have one or more tabs(which i have added using Ajax control toolkit). I want to know about advantages/disadvantages while using partial views and user...

AJAX Layout Blues: Rails renders full HTML where partial should be

NOOB here. I'm trying to render a partial (refresh the results when someone clicks on a check box) but for some reason rails keeps loading the full page where the partial should be! I know this must have something to do with a misplaced or nonexistent :layout => false, but I have no idea where to fix it. THanks! Code: Controller: ....

Where does jquery code go in a partial view?

I am brand new to MVC and JQuery. I've created a MVC site using the NerdDinner tutorial. For the create and edit views, I'm using a partial view (code simplified below) for data entry. Where would I place my jquery code? <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Marlow.Controllers.SubcontractFormViewM...

Can you use MVC 2 Strongly Typed Helpers in Partial View?

I'm trying to use the new strongly typed helpers. I've inherited the Model in my Control: Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" but intellisense isn't exposing the model and the page isn't happy with it if I force the code in. If I do it in a standard View all is good. This is what I'm expecting to be able to do: <%= Html.LabelFor...

PartialView Dynamic BeginForm Parameters

If I have the below PartialView <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Models.Photo>" %> <% using (Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "MyController", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })) { %> <%= Html.EditorFor( c => c.Caption ) %> <div class="editField"> <label for="file" c...

Sharing partial views between MVC projects - Do Areas Help?

Hi, We have some partial views which need to be used in several MVC projects. Has anyone done this successfully? Could Areas in MVC 2 be of any use ? Could a sub area project use a partial view from the parent project or the other way around? Thank you ! ...

how to render a full view using Ajax.BeginForm

I have a partial view which has a Ajax.BeginForm, with a UpdateTargetID set. When the validation on the form fails the update target id is replaced with the validation errors, but when there are no validation errors users should be redirected to a new page. The code in my Partial view is <div id="div_UID"> <% using (Ajax.BeginForm...