ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 - what is the best way to implement areas?

In the latest release of ASP.NET MVC 2 they have launched the concept of areas as supported by MS. However to perform this areas concept one has to create multiple separate projects. One project per area. In ASP.NET MVC 1 there were many other ways out there to support areas where you would still be working within the same project. T...

Site navigation for an 'Admin' application in ASP.NET MVC

I've made an Area project for my ASP.NET MVC application called 'Admin'. This will contain all the logic for the Administration section of the site, where the users can add/remove pages, etc. There's a menu at the top, of things the user can manage. (E.g. 'Content', 'Users', etc) For each of these, I'm making a controller ('ContentCon...

RedirectToAction between areas?

Is there a way to redirect to a specific action/controller on a different Area? ...

Asp.NET MVC 2 Preview 2: Area's aspx namespace problem

Hi I am now testing the new feature of MVC 2 Preview 2 called Areas within one project. Followed the MSDN article as well as the relase notes document I have created the Areas folder, then area's name folder, then Controllers and Views folders within that. Of course the route class was added and it works. Then I have moved one of the c...

href path in aspx files in area

Hi I am continually testing the new feature of ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 2 called: "Areas within one project". Currently I have a problem with linking to css and js files from within aspx code. When the url points to an url without the id, everything works fine: The problem appears when the url...

Areas And Routes

I'm using areas everywhere and I'm wanting something like the following: http://localhost/MyArea/MySection/MySubSection/Delete/20 Usually I access things by doing the following: http://localhost/MyArea/MySection/MySubSection/20 But if I want to delete then I have to say http://localhost/MyArea/MySection/DeleteEntryFromMySubSection...

ASP.NET MVC routing and areas

I am messing around with ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 2 and am trying to figure out how routing works with areas and such. In a single project implementation of areas, I want an area named "admin". I am trying to be able to have urls like this: (root)/admin/apples/search (root)/admin/apples/edit/3 (root)/admin/apples/add (root)/admin/oranges...

Hybrid area organization in Asp.MVC preview 2

Hi, I´d like to know if it is possible to create an hybrid solution using areas in mvc. I have a project with several areas within the same project and I would like to add a new area but in a separate project. For the moment I cannot achieve this, I think I have configured everything as it is stated in the walkthroughs. Has anybody been ...

How do I find out at runtime what area a controller is belong to in mvc?

Since this stuff is fair new I couldn't figure out any good reference on it. I want to use reflection to enumerate through all the controller in my application. This is not hard using reflection. But since area come into place. How do I know which area (if any) does a particular controller belong to? Maybe I am doing it wrong, maybe I ...

Areas over multiple projects - Views not found in child projects

I've been following this guide from MSDN about "Creating an ASP.NET MVC Areas Application Using Multiple Projects". Since ASP.NET MVC 2.0 is just preview one would imagine there to be some bugs. My problem is, it simply doesn't work! At least not the way it's suppose to. After setting everything up and pressing F5, one would think that,...

Asp.Net MVC Areas, how can I use them?

I've got two questions about Asp.Net MVC areas. I have only a shallow understanding of areas from what I've heard about them in various podcasts but I think I understand fairly well what they're supposed to be used for. Now my question is if I could also use them to enable me to gradually switch from development in Asp.Net webforms with ...

SparkViewEngine, RenderAction and Areas with ASP MVC 2 Beta?!

I just ran into trouble with the AreaDescriptionFilter of Spark using MVC 2 Beta. The following line is from my Application.spark file. It results in the view engine looking in all possible locations of the view - except in the folders of the area "Shell". # Html.RenderAction("ShowMainMenu", "Navigation", new { area = "Shell" }); Run...

ASP.NET MVC Areas Application Using Multiple Projects

Hi I have been following this tutorial: and have an application (a bit more complex) like this set up. All the areas are working fine, however I have noticed that if I change the project name of the Accounts project to say Areas...

How to specify an area name in an action link?

I have a shared master page which I am using from 2 different areas in my mvc 2 app. The master page has an action link which currently specifies the controller and action, but of course the link doesn't work if I'm in the wrong area. I see no overload for actionlink that takes an area parameter, is it possible to do? ...

Can Areas in an ASP.Net MVC 2 Application map to a subdomain?

Is there a way to map the Areas within an ASP.Net MVC 2 application to subdomains such as: instead of (where { area = "Movies", controller = "Theater", action = "View", id = 2 } ) ... MVC and Web Application Administrative Tasks

I am little bit confuse with MVC Area. When we talk about WebForms we say, for Administrative tasks, you must have an Admin folder to separate the admin task. In MVC how i will treat my Admin tasks? I will go for Admin Area or Admin Controllers, Because if i will write controller for Admin tasks, each and every task will be w...

How to do routing for Phil Haacks area prototype for ASP.NET MVC 1.0 ?

Hi, I am building a simple web site for a client and this is my first time with ASP.Net Mvc. For the production i need to use MVC 1.0 and the most efficient way to saparate Admin logic from the rest of this site is using Areas. The fact that i couldnt use MVC 2, so i have used the Haacks area prototype and everything was ok. I want to...

Multiple projects using ASP.NET MVC areas

How can I setup multiple projects using areas in mvc 2? ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Areas and route priority

Is it possible to set route priority in mvc 2 using arearegistration? I have a catch all {*pagePath} route which I want to set the lowest priority on. ...

Create reusable 'base code' using MVC2-RC?

I am trying to write a simple library for MVC2 projects that takes care of user login, e-mail validation, password recovery, etc. Since some of these steps involve user interaction, I need to have Views and Controllers in that project. In MVC2 Preview 2, one could do this by abusing areas (at least, it seems) since they were implemente...