Correct Process for Routing with Admin Subsite

I'm building my first Asp.Net MVC2 Site, and i'm now trying to add an /Admin area to the site. I don't want this area to be visibile to the main set of users so will only be accessible when you enter http://Intranet/Admin What I have is a NewsController for my regular users but I also want an Admin NewsController and I'm not sure how t...

Asp.Net MVC Ninject and Areas

I have a site that uses Ninject for dependency injection and I have Routing defined within a Bootstrapper class like so: public void RegisterRoutes() { Routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); Routes.IgnoreRoute("{*favicon}", new { favicon = @"(.*/)?favicon.ico(/.*)?" }); Routes.MapRoute( ...

MVC 2.0 - different view based on URL with shared controls

I have 2 master pages. One is intended to be shown in a normal standalone website. The other is to be used in external sites as an Iframe. I want to be able to show the normal page at and the iframed version at I want to have controls that will postback to one control...

MVC 2.0, StructureMap, Areas, and Duplicate Controller Names

I have a bit of a problem. I have an area called Framed. This area has a home controller. The default for the site also has a home controller. What I'm trying to do with this is have a version of each controller/action that is suitable for an IFrame, and a version that is the normal site. I do this through Master pages, and the si...

AreaActionLink Extension Method and namespace bug?

I wanted to add an extension method to the HtmlHelper class so that developers could generically retrieve and AreaActionLink<T> without having to add the new { area = "MyArea" } each time as well as not have to specify a Controller. This all works well and good if I specify the namespace or put the namespace of the Area Controller in the...