
Generating partitions in Java

I am given an integer (lets call it x) and I need to generate an array of arrays, where each subarray is a list of elements which are one of a given set of integers, and the sum of all of the elements of each subarray is x. The array of arrays needs to contain all possible distinct subarrays of this form. For example, if x is 3 and the ...

In Oracle, why do public synonyms become invalid when a table partition is dropped.

Hi everyone, can someone tell me why the following behavior occurs (Oracle 10.2): SQL> create table part_test ( i int primary key, d date ) partition by range (d) (partition part_test_1 values less than (to_date(' 2 3 4 5 1980-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))); create public synonym part_test for part_test; select obj...

how do i read a fedora partition from windows?

Windows recognizes and gives my fedora partition a drive letter, but it shows it as blank. Is there a way to get windows to read ext3 filesystem? Its a fedora 10 partition. ...

Dynamic table partitioning in Oracle

I'm in the process of building a database storage for my app consisting on a single table with a huge data volume (hundreds of millions of records). I'm planning on having an index on the date field, since I'll be doing a batch recovery of all the records in a given period of time every now and then (for example, retrieving all records f...

Create/delete disk partitions via WMI

Hi, there is a way to create/delete disk partitions via WMI ? I'm already able to mount/unmount virtual disks (vhd) and list their partitions. ...

How mysql handles partitions internally

I would like to know how does mysql handles / implements the partitions internally. ...

how can you enable partitions in Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition for Windows?

I installed Oracle 10g Enterprise Editions onto Windows XP. It appeared that Partitions were installed as part of the default install, however the partitions functionality is not enabled. I can find instructions for enabling partitions on Unix/Linux, but not Windows. Has anybody had any success enabling partitions in 10g EE on their l...

External Hardrive partition table recovery

hi all, I have a bloody USB Maxtor Personal Desktop External Hardrive with 500G. The partition of it always cannot be read after OS resetting, and windows will prompt to format the partition. Anyone knows how can I solve this problem ? ...

Is there a way to make the Title part of a Custom Dialog Box invisible?

Just a simple problem without any idea of how to do it. Does anyone know how/if this can be done? Reason: I just want one solid dialog box with no partitions as it looks a little better in my application. EDIT public void showCustomDialog() { Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.customdialog); ...

Obtain a list of partitions on Windows

Goal I'm porting a filesystem to Windows, and am writing a more Windows-like interface for the mounter executable. Part of this process is letting the user locate a partition and pick a drive letter. Ultimately the choice of partition has to result in something I can open using CreateFile(), open(), fopen() or similar. Leads Windows s...

How can I tell *IF* AND *WHAT* partitions are being accessed - sql server 2008 db engine

Setup Cost of Threshold for Parallelism : 5 Max Degree of Parallelism : 4 Number of Processors : 8 SQL Server 2008 I have a query with many joins, many records. The design is a star. ( Central table with fks to the reference tables ) The central table is partitioned on the relevant date column. The partition schema is spl...