
Django paths, developing in windows, deploying on linux

I'm developing Django apps on my local windows machine then deploying to a hosted linux server. The format for paths is different between the two and manually replacing before deployment is consuming more time than it should. I could code based on a variable in my settings file and if statements but I was wondering if anyone had best pra...

What is the best way to use absolute paths in PHP?

I have always used relative paths in PHP. Last time I have realized that there were something like absolute paths. But what is the best way to use them? getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT"); ? dirname(__FILE__); ? How do you deal with the implementation? Please give some ideas. ...

Folder to dump windows service log files

Short: What's the most appropriate folder for windows service to dump log files into? Details I have a windows service that produces log files that a low-tech end user might be interested to look at (actual communication between a computer and a manufacturing line monitoring sensors). The computer is a stand-alone dedicated computer...

Zend Framework problem with autoloader.

it's all in index.php /* Define site root */ defined('DOCUMENT_ROOT') ? null : define('DOCUMENT_ROOT',realpath(dirname(__FILE__))); defined('SITE_ROOT') ? null : define('SITE_ROOT',realpath(dirname(DOCUMENT_ROOT.'../'))); // Define path to application directory defined('APPLICATION_PATH') || define('APPLICATION_PATH', SITE_ROOT . ...

Imports in Python project with doctests

Hi. I have a Python project with following directory structure: /(some files) /model/(python files) /tools/(more python files) ... So, I have Python files in couple subdirectories and there are some dependencies between directories as well: tools are used by model, etc. Now my problem is that I want to make doctests for both models ...

Vim path seperator & auto-completion

Working on web stuff, in windows, to be hosted on linux. Completing paths with ^X^F automatically inserts "\" as the path separator on windows, which is quite correct, but not what I want, so: Is there a way I can tell it to use "/" as the path separator for auto-completion regardless of OS? ...

Variable for WiX bin directory path?

Is there an environment variable pointing to the WiX bin directory path? I want to use torch in the post-build event of my project, but I cannot find this variable. I cannot hard-code the path because the wixproj is shared by group. Variables like $(WixTargetsPath) and $(WixTasksPath) are for MSBuild. These are not what I want. Thanks!...

Quartz 2D stroke alignment

Is it possible to adjust the alignment, from the default centered, of a stroke when using kCGPathFillStroke as the drawing mode? For example, when drawing a closed path using: CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke); The stroke lies 50% outside/50% inside the drawn path. The stroke color has a non-opaque alpha so the net effect...

ActionScript 3 instance path issue

Hi, I'm using Flash CS4 and the following ActionScript 3 code: import fl.containers.ScrollPane; // var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();"scroller"; // sp.setSize(320, 240); sp.move(10, 10); addChild(sp); // var mcCount:int=10; // var nextY:int=0; // var i:int=0; // var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();"contain...

How to get CRON to call in the correct paths

Hello, I'm trying to get cron to call in the correct path's. When I run a Python script from shell the script run's fine as it uses the path's set in bashrc but when I use cron all the path's are not used from bashrc. Is there a file I can enter the path's into for cron like bashrc or a way to call the path's from bashrc. Sorry I don'...

JBoss RESTEasy - show ALL path mappings

Is there any way to dump out a list of mapped paths in RESTEasy? I've searched the documentation and came up empty. ...

How to call ejabberdctl from PHP (Apache)

Hi, I am trying to call ejabberdctl from PHP but i keep getting an error code of 3 (Failed RPC connection to the node ejabberd@localhost: nodedown). My PHP script contains the following code to add friends : exec('sudo /opt/ejabberd-2.1.2/bin/ejabberdctl add_rosteritem adil.baig40122310029739 chburaska0822431111022397 godud...

using os.path is quite verbose is there a more concise way to manipulate paths

for example I have a script that needs to put it's parent directory on the python path, currently I'm using the following sys.path += [os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))] this seems a touch ridiculous, surely there is a simpler way? ...

Smart (WinForms) TextBox to display path.

Does a smart textbox control (WinForms) exists that can display a path depending on the textbox width. For example, if the path is short it will display the entire path (C:\myfile.txt), but if the path is long it will display the start and end (C:\SomeFolder...\foo\MyFile.txt). The length of the characters displayed should be calculated...

PHP recursive directory path

i have this function to return the full directory tree: function getDirectory( $path = '.', $level = 0 ){ $ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..' ); // Directories to ignore when listing output. Many hosts // will deny PHP access to the cgi-bin. $dh = @opendir( $path ); // Open the directory to the handle $dh while( false !== ( $file =...

Cannot load rJava because cannot load a shared library

I have been struggling to load the rJava package in R. I get the following messages > library(rJava) Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : unable to load shared library \ 'C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-210~1.1/library/rJava/libs/rJava.dll': LoadLibrary failure: The specified module could not be found. Error : .onL...

PHP.ini overriding/not allowing set_ini or set_include_path directives

I'm not exactly sure why this is happening. I'm running MAMP on my local machine. And I decided to install PEAR locally. So I edited the PHP.ini file and uncommented the include_path directive. Now for some reason none of my ini_set or set_include path directives work: // trying to different methods ini_set( 'include_path', ini_get( 'in...

SVNServ deny write access to a directory via wildcard match.

Hi, We have a requirement that every piece of code that makes it into production will be reviewed by a senior developer. The way I have envisioned this working is by a naming convention for branches that regular developers cannot check code into. Following the SVN recomended directory structure this translates into something like. [p...

Get function import path

from pack.mod import f How to get from object f information about import - 'pack.mod' I can get it using f.__module__ but if function def in module where i get this attribute (f.__module__) it return '__main__'. But i need real path here - 'pack.mod' I found this way to get this information: inspect.getmodule(f).__file__ then i ca...

How to get the project path at Design Time

Hi, I use a component (System.ComponentModel.Component) and I want to get the application path of my project in order to create a file within it. Thx Florian ...