
How do I write a regular expression for these path expressions.

Hi, I'm trying to write a helper method that breaks down path expressions and would love some help. Please consider a path pattern like the following four (round brackets indicate predicates): item.sub_element.subsubelement(@key = string) ; or, item..subsub_element(@key = string) ; or, //subsub_element(@key = string) ; or, item(@key =...

Problem Configuring "Location" Path Security on Machine.config

I'm trying to add something like this in Machine.config: <location path="elmah.axd"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="domain\johnny" /> <deny users="*"/> </authorization> </system.web> </location> This works great in the application-level web.config, but I can't get it to take ...

scons - source/include paths

Hi Let's say I have this directory structure: SConstruct src/ a.cpp b.cpp include/ a.h b.h in SConstruct I don't want to specify ['src/a.cpp', 'scr/b.cpp'] every time; I'm looking for some way to set the base source directory to 'src' any hint? I've been looking into the docs but can't find anything useful ...

In interactive Python, how to unambiguously import a module.

In interactive python I'd like to import a module that is in, say, C:\Modules\Module1\ What I've been able to do is to create an empty C:\Modules\Module1\ and then do: >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append(r'C:\Modules\Module1') >>> import module And that works, but I'm having to append to sys.path, and if ther...

python path django

How can I add something to my "Pythonpath". Where exactly are the files located, I have to change to add to my pythonpath? What exactly do I add to my Pythonpath? If Python calls: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/ But I want it to call /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/...

Android path to array - read the points on a path?

Hi, Is there a way to read the points created when drawing a path? It seems silly to me that a path cannot be readable. Or is it just better to manually write the current finger position to an array? thanks ...

How do I get the length of a file with a path longer than 260 characters?

I am trying to find especially large files on a file share with deeply nested folders. They aren't my folders, so I don't get to rearrange them. The usual way to get the length of a file is: string fullPath = "C:\path\file.ext"; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fullPath); long len = info.Length; If the length of the path is greater than...

Nodejs : require.paths. Restoring original paths.

I was playing around with require.paths and i modified it by mistake. How do i restore the original require.paths? Is there a command line utility to figure out what my nodejs path is? ...

django css path

hello, i want to include a css file into the header of my documents, but i have a few questions: 1.Where should i set the path to media, and it should be a relative/absolute path? In, i 've tried setting MEDIA_URL but my style is still 'unseen' can i make the htmls to inheric that syle (for not adding the href in every ...

using rundll32 user32.dll to indicate that a user's environment has changed.

I do not have the ability to modify environement variables in windows 7. However I have been granted permission to modify the registry settings. So for example I can modify: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment Key: BPATH which is appended to the end of my System's pathEnv. but when I make ...

Python: How to find path to the script running a python script.

Lets say i have a python script at homedir/codes/py/ I also have a bash script at homedir/codes/ This bash script runs by python py/ The thing is that i need to be able to find out, in, the path to the calling script If is run from its own directory, i can just use os.getcwd(). But ...

Android PathMeasure getMatrix() - Help finding flags

Can someone please help me find a list of flags that are needed by PathMeasure.getMatrix() [,, int)][1] [1]:,, i...

Silverlight drawing (Path) and ViewStateManger and ControlTemplates

I have to draw a number of shapes to represent an orchard. Each of these shapes are different 'shapes'. But I want the all to have the same concept of states so if that region changes state it will change color independently of the other shapes. (note they are all independent of each other and can be in different states). How do I do ...

Application path location in MS windows

Where should I store the application installation folder for application to reffer ? ...

Android Matrix, what does getValues() return?

Hi, i'm having trouble working out the returned values of the below code pMeasure = PathMeasure, m = Matrix, distCount is the distance along the path pMeasure.getMatrix(distCount, m, 0x01 | 0x02); m.getValues(float[] values) float[2] & float[5] are position x & y respectively but i can't figure out the rest any help once again appre...

Visual Studio 2010 Patches [Fix]

Someone could tell me where I can find the list (or all) patch already available for Visual Studio 2010.I am finding a lot of problems, and his navigation is very slow. Especially with ASP.NET MVC. If no such list ready, we can use this post to enumerate the problems and their fixes. Thanks ...

Converting Relative Paths to Absolute Paths

I have an absolute path to file A. I have a relative path to file B from file A's directory. This path may and will use ".." to go up the directory structure in arbitrarily complex ways. Example A: C:\projects\project1\module7\submodule5\fileA Example Bs: ..\..\module3\submodule9\subsubmodule32\fileB ..\submodule5\fileB ..\..\mo...

Explain boost::filesystem's portable generic path format in C++

I am trying to understand portable generic path format and everything is not clicking. Can someone please explain this in terms of examples? I also have been told that I can use the forward slash in windows because windows understands both. Also is it considered good/safe style to use forward slash in windows? ...

How to get a path from a directory in a C# console application?

Hi Say I have this file structure Soultion-> Folder1 -> FileIwant.html So this could be something like C:\Soultion\Folder1\FilterIwant.html Now I need to read this file into my application. I can't just hardcode it since when I give it to someone else they might put it on F: drive or something. Or when I create a msi file the path m...

NSTask launch path not accessible

Hello, I am using the following code in my Cocoa project to call a script I made. The script is in the same folder as the project and even shows up under the "Resources" folder in XCode. The proper path is found, but it still says that the path is not accessible. Help please. NSBundle *mainBundle=[NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *path=[...