
To read the hyperlink path of a text from Excel file via JAVA?

I have done upto reading text (String) from Excel file i could leverage the same into my JAVA. But now i have an other querry. Supposing if the text in excel is a hyperlink i need the link path of that text. Say: "hyperlink text" path manually mapped to say ("C:\Folder\iamge.jpg") I want this path in java. Can any one help me with th...

Drupal. Get path alias from current url without the installation's folder arguments

Hi guys, I'd like to retrieve the current page path alias without the installation's folder arguments. I'm using: drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri()) But this returns installation/whatever/actual/path and I want to retrieve the actual/path only no matter what installation/whatever is. Thanks in advance :) ...

Ant MXMLC task with arbitrary list of source/lib paths?

Does anyone know of a way to use the mxmlc task of the Flex Ant tasks with a user-definable list of source path or library paths? The idea is that the user can define an arbitrary list of source paths and/or library (swc) paths into an Ant properties file and the build file takes these values and evaluates them for use in the mxmlc task....

C# remove redundant paths from a list

Say I have this list List<string> sampleList = new List<string> { "C:\\Folder1", "D:\\Folder2", "C:\\Folder1\\Folder3", "C:\\Folder111\\Folder4" }; I'd like to remove the paths that are contained in other folders, for example we have C:\Folder1 and C:\Folder1\Folder3 the list's third entry should go away because C:\Folder...

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] path not working

I am using document root to provide absolute path which is not working. if i echo this path it turns out to be C:wamp/www/proman/header.php. I i give relative path it works fine what is the problem here? $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."proman/header.php"; I elaborate my problem here: I have 2 php files data_object.php and user.clas...

Windows can't find the file on

I am getting the following error: WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified My code is:["<<executable file found in PATH>>"]) Windows 7, 64 bit. Python 3.x latest, stable. Any ideas? Thanks, ...

Writing a file by a webservice

Hi, I have a wevservice, and I would like to write logs into a textfile. My problem is that i do not know what path to give when creating the streamwriter: TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("????"); Can you please help what path I should enter? ...

Optimizing / simplifying a path

Say I have a path with 150 nodes / verticies. How could I simplify if so that for example a straight line with 3 verticies, would remove the middle one since it does nothing to add to the path. Also how could I avoid destroying sharp corners? And how could I remove tiny variations and have smooth curves remaining. Thanks ...

How can I have multiple navigation paths with Django, like a simplifies wizard path and a full path?

Lets say I have an application with a structure such as: System set date set name set something Other set death ray target calibrate and I want to have "back" and "next" buttons on a page. The catch is, if you're going in via the "wizard", I want the nav path to be something like "set name" -> "set death ray target" -> "set ...

C# (non-static) class to represent paths

I'm looking for a C# class that represents a file system path. I would like to use it (instead of strings) as the data type of variables and method arguments (top reasons: type safety, concat-proof, logical comparisons). System.IO.Path provides most of the functionality I want, but it is static. System.IO.FileInfo, as I understand, per...

XElement.Load("~/App_Data/file.xml") Could not find a part of the path

hi everybody, I am new in LINQtoXML. I want to use XElement.Load("") Method. but the compiler can't find my file. can you help me to write correct path for my XML file? Note that: I defined a Class in App_Code and I want to use the XML file data in one of methods and my XML file Located in App_Data. settings = XElement.Load("App_Data/Ap...

how to invoke java.exe in bash under windows in cygwin with space in path

Hi, I tried to invoke java inside bash script on windows (Win XP) using cygwin. However path to java.exe contain spaces. only literaly putting in bash sometghing like this worked: /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_10/bin/java -cp "$TOOL_HOME" DateParse "$DATE" "$FORMAT" My attemts to put java path to a variable failed: exp...

Eclipse Galileo - Open file dialog path

How do I get Eclipse to open files from the last directory I opened from, after re-starting Eclipse? It always reverts to my Windows profile directory. ...

GIT core.editor setup on windows along w application PATH reference

Hey all so i wehnt ahead and opened up my .gitconfig file and manually input the [core] editor = 'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' which would allow me to execute command: (im trying to setup my .gitignore list) "C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" .gitignore im JUSt not interested in typing this out every time t...

WPF UserControl Embedded Animation

Hi all, I have a UserControl called Beetle.xaml which has animation makeing the legs move. So far so good. I added this to my Background.xaml page by decaring the xmlns and xaml as: xmlns:my="clr-namespace:Intellident.Liber8.GUI.Theme.Jungle" and <my:Beetle VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="180,...

Html paths difference between full path and going off current?

so ive been reading up on SEO- and heard that paths should include full http://www.etc path, does this apply for image sources and video content as well? our does it make a difference if say a video on my page is loaded via "/images/" does this affect load time at all either way? thanks ...

Paths for images using Apache with Windows

I have a problem with links testing locally using Apache with Windows. The final links have the following format: file:///C:/Documents and Settings/USUARIO/My Documents/xampp/htdocs/my_website/images/january/my_image.jpg The images do not show. However, if I directly copy the src from the img tag and paste it into the browser (Firefox)...

How Can I get the recycleBin Path for each disk, for different operation System?

WinXP, Vista, Win7, there is a certain folder for recyclebin. How Can I get the recycleBin Path for each disk, for different operation System? in WinXP it is called XX:\RECYCLER, while in vista it used another name. Is there any windows C++ API for it ? Many thanks! ...

Relative path from an OSGi bundle

I have a updater bundle that lookups in a specific folder "bundle" and checks for new bundles to install and updates for currently installed bundles. Inside a parent directory, OSGi framework is in the "/framework" directory, updater bundle is in the "/system" directory and the directory needs to be checked is the "/bundles" directory in...

What's the equivalent of python's __file__ in ruby?

In python after imports, one can see the file, that has been loaded/where the module comes from. >>> import os >>> os.__file__ '/Users/tm/lib/python2.6/os.pyc' What would be the equivalent in ruby? >> require 'xmlrpc/client' => true >> ... ...