
What is wrong with setting my PHP extensions?

I have the following problem. When I state some extensions in my php.ini and try to restart Apache it refuses to work. I assume that I have made a mistake in my extension_dir or in adding extensions themselves. When I run a server with an extension path and no extensions set, all works fine and I get my phpinfo page. But when extensions ...

What's the difference \\.\C: and \\.\C:\

In MSDN, String Meaning \\.\C: Opens the C: volume. \\.\C:\ Opens the file system of the C: volume. I could open \\.\C: volume device. But I couldn't open \\.\C:\ directory by CreateFile. How can I open the directory by CreateFile with \\.\ prefix. And if I open the directory, what can I do by using the handle. Are ...

Fully qualified path Vs. Canonical Path.

There is a canonical path concept in Java. And there is a fully-qualified path in WinApi. I know well what canonical path is, but I don't understand fully-qualified path's concepts. For a file or directory, does fully-qulified path exist only one thing? -like canonical path. Are both of them totally same concepts? Edit: One more thin...

why referenced c# dll is in full path in VS2010?

why the referenced dll of a c# project is in full path? when i move the source code to a different pc, the reference is broken. ...

Read SVG file with Python/PIL

I'm new to Python so please be patient with me. Basically my script should run like this: 1) Load an image and split it into R, G, B channels 2) Mark an area of that image with an existing path saved as a svg file and 3) perform some calculations with the R,G,B values of this area. (further send the the image either to folder A or B, ...

What is the trick to make Visual Studio 2008 use project relative paths for include dirs etc?

Hi I have a VS 2008 solution with around 10 projects. When I add include directories by launching browse popup and select a dir, I see VS storing the absolute path in the project file. What I want it to do is use project relative paths even for paths in sibling folders. Is there any setting in VS to force it? Thanks ...

Is there an Actionscript library that can be used to target Flex components in the display list using an xpath-like syntax?

I feel like I've seen something like this before, but not sure where and searches aren't turning up anything useful. A library like this would evaluate xpath-like string expressions that would resolve to references to actual components (if they exist) in a Flex application's display list tree. ...

Shortest distance between point and path

Hi, for a geo-based online game I'm looking for an algorithm which finds the shortest distance between a specified point and a known path connected by x/y-coordinates, so that I can kill all redundant points/nodes. A link or keyword for this algorithm would help me a lot! thanks for reading For better understanding: ...

How to remove an item from gem PATH?

I was trying to update Rails and I ran gem install rails from my home directory and I now have a .gem directory in my home dir. I eventually was able to update Rails properly, and deleted the .gem folder, but I now have this extra PATH in my GEM PATHS that I wanted to get rid of: - GEM PATHS: - /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 - /Us...

Switch between version of Python?

I just installed Python 2.7, but IDLE is currently broken on OS X 10.6.4. Is there anyway I can revert to the earlier, Apple installed, version? A simple PATH adjustment, perhaps? Right now $PATH looks like this for me: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin...

simple relative path question

In a relative path, what's the difference between ~/directory/subdirectory and ./directory/subdirectory? ...

Loading a file relative to the executing jar file

The question says it all. The specialty in my case is that the current working directory is not the location of the jar file but c:\Windows\system32 (My jar file is started by windows using the right-click-menu, i want to pass a folder's path as a parameter to the jar). Now I want to load a configuration file called config.xml that is ...

PHP/MySQL: Retrieve a single path in the Adjacency List model

Is there any effective way to, without limiting the depth, retrieve a single path in a Adjacency List model based on the node's ID? Like if I've got an ID for a node named "Banana" I could get the following Path: Food > Fruits > Banana It's not a big problem if it's impossible, but I thought about if it could be possible to run joins th...

Changing $PATH in OS X to run most recent version of Python

So I changed $PATH to have Python2.5 work with Django back when it didn't support 2.6. Now I can't install much of anything through Python because I screwed up a lot of the internals. $PATH is now unnecessarily long because I didn't know what I was doing when I was adding to it. .profile doesn't contain any of the paths that I added usin...

Silverlight Binding Path Dynamically

I've spent hours on this so any help is much appreciated: I have a TextBlock inside a DataTemplate which has an ItemsSource already set. I want to bind the Text of the TextBlock and set the Path to whatever the path is of a different object in code-behind. I've tried everything I can think of even this: <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path='...

How to change location of app.config

I want to change the location where my application looks for the app.config file. I know that I can use ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration() to access an arbitrary config file - however, when the .Net Framework reads the config file (for ConnectionStrings or EventSources, for instance), it will look at the default location. I ...

JW player relative path problem

i am using jwplayer on my site but the problem is that i cant play the video...there is an error.....access denied and then it shows the flv files path........ i am cofused how to use the relative path for player and flv files..... i am using windows hosting and here is the link to my video page link text and here is the code i am usin...

ASPX: Get path of cs file

How can I get the path of a cs file in aspx? Here's the issue: I've created a property class in a property.cs file which is used in an EPiServer admin module. Server.MapPath() will hence return the path of the executing file, which is in a totally different place than my code. I need to get the path of the property.cs file (from inside ...

Sql For Xml Path get node count

I'm trying to use the 'For Xml Path' T-SQL to generate a comma separated list of values from a column. This seems to work great, but the problem is I would like to get a count of the items in the comma separated list. Here is an example of the code I am using to generate the comma separated list: Create Table #List ([col] varchar) Inse...

Drupal - Security check all site paths by role

I'm writing this in the forlorn hope that someone has already done something similar. I would have posted on - but that site is about as user-friendly as a kick in the tomatoes. I don't know about you, but when I develop I leave all my Drupal paths with open access, and then think about locking them down with access permissio...