
vbs cmd path space

Hi all, I would like to be able to call the following cmd command from within a vbs script: cmd Client\setupclient.exe /q /targetdir "c:\program files\Microsoft CRM" I came up with the following vbs script: Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") oShell.Run "cmd /c Client\setupclient.exe /q /targetdir c:\program files\M...

Browse a file from my pc using web application in

Hi, I have a web application which I uploaded using IIS. I want the users using the application would be able to select a file located on their (the user) computer and read its contents. The code is: TextReader trs = new StreamReader(faFile.Value); DataAccessLayer.clearFA(); string line = trs.ReadLine(); ...

Get root directory in ASP Classic application

I have several relative paths in my ASP Classic application. I'd like to get a reference to the root directory of my particular application (since the root of the server is something different) for the purpose of setting paths. Is there a way to do this? ...

Why is the executable not identified even though the containing directory is on the search path?

I have a /usr/sbin on my search path (echo $PATH). I have my lsof executable in this directory. Why do I get lsof: command not found if I just type lsof on the prompt. I am using csh. ...

What is the Data value of plus sign in Path

How to draw plus and minus signs in using data property in Path object. This is my triangle path object.i need to change it to plus symbol. <Path x:Name="trianglePath" Data="M 0 8 H 12 V 15 Z"/> Please help me out with some examples. Thanks In Advacne Regards KSR ...

Getting the path to where my classes lie in Android

Hi there :) I have some difficulties in finding the directory in which a given class lies. E.g. I have an external lib Plugins.jar imported and want to get the parent directory... How is it done in Android? Afaik the Dalvik VM unpacks my Plugins.jar, optimizes it and packs it together with the rest of my app. Thus I'm not sure if there...

Problems with routing and path

Hello, I am new to rails and I have a weird problem i don't understand... I have created a basic application with only one controller. this controller is name routes (for testing purpose...) and it contains index, new and edit actions. I have added a resource in the routes.rb file: map.resources :routes The problem I have is when i...

how to access path of database or file of different app in android

Is it possible to get path of database file in android at path : "/data/system/accounts.db" in my app i want to use this database, but not getting its path. if i do hardcoding and remove the file i'm able to do it. But i want to access it as database so that i can drop the table. Any help would be appreciable. code i tried: priva...

Access for the path C:\ is denied.

if i save my webpage as html it is giving me the error: Access for the path C:\ is denied -ftp. in http locally it is working. it is storing in the desktop. but after publishing in ftp server it is showing this error how to resolve this errror ...

Sorting list of string paths in VB.NET

Hi there, I would like to sort a list of strings which represent paths. The sort result will do have a hierarchical order. What I mean is: for each directory path, I want to list all files in that path (alphabeticaly or not doesn't matter) in first time. Then, each subdirectory path will be listed. For each subdirectory, I want all file...

How do I use '~' (tilde) in the context of paths?

I'm a web application development noob. I have a function that opens a file and reads it. Unfortunately, the directory structures between the test and production servers differ. I was told to "use a path relative to ~". I haven't been able to find any resources on the '~', though! How do I use the tilde character in the context of paths...

Is there any way to look for an image using the path? MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails (Android)

Hi, I'm using MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails in order to show the images the user have. But i'm not able to get an image through its path. Is there any way to look for an image using the path? String [] proj={MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails._ID, MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.IMAGE_ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA}; String selection = Media...

Java NetBeans - storing my .DLL in PATH - where is it?!

This is probably trivial - I almost feel embarrassed to ask, but I am new to this. So I downloaded a library that uses JNI and I need to store the .dll library in my PATH. What is my PATH and where can I find it? ...

PHP include chain not working

Here's the folder structure of my project: /ping --/Controller ----Ping_Conntroller_Main.php ----Ping_Conntroller_Db.php --/Model ----dbCredentials.php --/View ----output.html.php 'ping' is the folder that contains my project and it sits inside the 'xampp/htdocs/' directory on my computer (C:/xampplite/htdocs/) Here is the initia...

Code challenge: Bash prompt path shortener

I implemented a prompt path shortener for bash to be included in the PS1 environment variable, which shortens the working directory into something more compact but still descriptive. I'm curious what other ideas may exist. Here's the challenge: Create a bash function _dir_chomp which can be included into PS1 like this (line breaks inse...

Canonical File Path in Ruby

Is there an easy way in Ruby to find a canonical file path out of a messy file path? For example: a/b/../c/x is the same as a/c/x a/./b/c/x is the same as a/b/c/x a/./b/../../c/x is the same as c/x Any simple way to do this? ...

Why do I get "configure:error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" when installing GCC on my Apache server?

I'm attempting to install GCC 4.5.1 on my Apache server, but it says there is no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH. Any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated. When I use echo $PATH it prints: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/:/var/lib/:/usr/share/ These are the c...

Reliability of Path_INFO server variable in classic ASP

Am I always going to be able to use PATH_INFO to derive the root of my application as in the following function? function CommonFunctions_getRoot() pathinfo=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") Set myRegExp = New RegExp myRegExp.IgnoreCase = True myRegExp.Global = True myRegExp.Pattern = "^(/\w*/).*" CommonFu...

Trying to set up bash command

I was trying to set up a bash command in Terminal on a Mac. The scripts run correctly when I execute them directly. I set up symlinks in /usr/local/bin/ to the current location of the scripts. When I try to run it off the symlink, it doesn't work. I don't believe the issue is the $PATH, because pip, git, ipython all exist in this loc...

How do I set the PATH environment variable to point to JRE version 1.5

Hi there I have a program that requires me to set the PATH environment variable to point to JRE version 1.5 as I need to access the program via a command prompt. So any ideas on how to do that? ...