
pcmanfm arguements; bash

I am using ubuntu, fluxbox, pcmanfm as filemanager, xmms2 as music player. My goal: add songs to xmms2 playlist easily with pcmanfm. I have this script that works for single files: path= $1 if [ -d "$path" ]; then #if directory xmms2 radd "$path" else if [ -e "$path" ]; then #if not directory, but file xmms2 add "$path" ...

Help getting Conky to work with LXDE & PCManFM

As some of you might be aware, there's a bug with either Conky or PCManFM (the desktop manager aspect of it) that makes the Conky window disappear in one of these situations: Setting "own_window_type override" in .conkyrc (the usual configuration for Nautilus) flat out doesn't show the Conky window at all. Setting "own_window_type desk...