
PDFLib: Can't open a PDF file

Following are the PHP code lines which I am using to open a PDF file: $pdf_generartor = new PDFlib(); $doc = $pdf_generartor -> open_pdi_document("Report.pdf", "") or die ("ERROR: " . $pdf_generartor -> get_errmsg()); Though the file is at required location, every time I receive following error: ERROR: Couldn't open PDF file 'Report...

How can I get the number of pages in a PDF file in Perl?

Is there any Perl script to read multiple PDF files and get the number of pages in it? By using PDFlib or pdftet. ...

Pdflib Java api

Hello, Does somebody knows a high level Java API that wraps the pdflib (horrible) Java API that is actually easy to use. To clarify, I have to use pdflib (my company uses it), so I need a wrapping API, not other alternatives. Thanks Tal ...

PDFLib in PHP hogging resources and not flushing to file.

I just inherited a PHP project that generates large PDF files and usually chokes after a few thousand pages and several gigs of server memory. The project was using PDFLib to generate these files 'in memory'. I was tasked with fixing this, so the first thing I did was to send PDFLib output to a file instead of building in memory. The pr...

PDFLib giving an uncaught exception error

Hey everyone, I'm trying to get PDFlib support into PHP, but after finally figuring out how to install PDFlib, I get this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDFlibException' with message 'Function must not be called in 'object' scope' Using the example code on php.net: <?php // create handle for new PDF document $pdf = pdf_new...

(pdflib) Table of contents with dynamic page numbers

Hi, I'm on pdflib 7 under php5 and I'm drawing a statistical report with several sub topics over several pages. Now, I want to include a table of contents on the first page where every sub topic is listed with it's actual page number. Needles to say that I don't know those page numbers at the time I draw the table of contents. Is ther...

TET-cookbook (Pdflib) for .NET

I'm looking for a .NET version of TET-cookbook samples. In particular I need tet_and_pdflib\search_and_replace_text.java converter in c# using TET_dotnet.dll. Thanks. ...

PDFLib opinions/experiences

My organization is considering PDFlib for dynamically creating PDF files (http://www.pdflib.com/) in our Java (Spring/Tomcat) environment. Does anyone have experiences that they can share about the pro/cons of this Library? ...

Use PDFLib to search through PDF's with PHP

Hi all, I'm about to rent my own server and for one of my projects I need to be able to search through PDF files. I've asked the hosting provider to install xPDF but they replied they want to install PDFLib instead. My question, am I able to open and search through PDF files with PDFLib? I'm Googling as a madman but I can't seem to find...

PHP wrapper that is API-compatible with PDFlib.

Are there any wrappers to any of the other PDF generating packages for PHP that provide API compatibility with PDFlib? Our company has been generating PDFs from PHP using PDFlib for many years, but have not upgraded since version 5. Now that we are upgrading some servers, we need either upgrade or find a replacement. I'd like to replace...

Pattern matching text in the body of a PDF and adding hyperlinks with PHP

Hello everyone, The situation is as follows: I have a series of big, fat PDF files, full of imagery and randomly distributed text - these are the sections of a huge promotional pricelist for a vast array of products. What I need is to pattern-match all the catalogue codes in the text of each PDF file and to wrap it with a hyperlink that...

When creating PDFlib+PDI PDF, and fwrite to a file, Droid devises see it as a blank file.

When creating a PDF file through PDFlib+PDI, and then write the file with fwrite, all desktop systems can view the contents of the file just fine, but Droid devises can't.... (they only show a blank document in PDF viewer). I'm thinking that, when performing the fwrite, since OS is responsible for determining the file type (based solely ...

PDFlib give pdf_fit_textline a border

I'm generating PDFs dynamically using PHP and PDFlib and some of the fields require text being centered on blank fields lines (like you would see on a paper form). To make sure I have the text field using the maximum width available to me as well as positioned properly I would like to place a temporary border around it so I can see where...