
What is your review process for Rhapsody development?

My team is using the IBM's Rhapsody tool to do real-time embedded development. Unfortunately, we are unhappy with our current review process. More specifically, we've had difficulty because: there is a lack of a good diff tool for diagram changes the Rhapsody diff tool doesn't generate reports that you can use in a review source file ...

Documents in LaTeX, output in PDF, sources in SVN - need customizable component or software for peer review.

Hi. We have a large SVN repo of LaTeX documents. Each document ultimately is rendered into PDF. Documents need to be reviewed. Review has two major goals: ensure the quality of text itself and ensure the qualify of typesetting. Right now reviewer could be separated into two major groups: Those who use SVN to checkout sources and bui...

code review: Is it subjective or objective(quantifiable) ?

I am putting together some guidelines for code reviews. We do not have one formal process yet, and trying to formalize it. And our team is geographically distributed We are using TFS for source control (used it for tasks/bug tracking/project management as well, but migrated that to JIRA) with VS2008 for development. What are the things...

Does anyone know of a code change management tool that can highlight code changes in Visual Studio?

Hey all, I am trying to find a tool that can highlight code changes in Visual Studio so they can be easily found and reviewed. Below are some requirements for what we are looking for... Identify and use a difference highlighting tool that meets the following criteria: • can highlight areas that need to be reviewed • there is a place t...

Qualities of Code Reviewers

When choosing code-reviewers for your project what qualities you see/prefer in the candidates (the one who does review)? # of years of experience? time availability (not selecting very busy guys) one whose code gets least comment senior junior ladder (juniors can't do seniors code review) inside team or someone outsider ... ...

How do you promote a culture of peer code review with your team?

We have tried many methods such as Code review required before check-in (hard to enforce) Monthly code review sessions (tend to side-track, time consuming, too high level) One or two devs with free cycles review changesets as they are added (low participation) We use TFS and could write a tool to leverage the API or build a workflow ...