I need a regular expression to parse a text The directory is
I would like to get the hello.txt and get rid of the rest of the directory, so i would like to delete home/foo/bar/ and only get the hello.txt
I have been using Perl for some time, but today I came across this code:
sub function1($$)
What does this mean in Perl?
sub do_printf { printf @_ }
sub do_sprintf { print sprintf @_ }
do_printf("%s\n", "ok"); # prints ok
do_sprintf("%s\n", "ok"); # prints 2
Hello! Which version would you prefer?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
my $p = 7; # 33
my $prompt = ' : ';
my $key = 'very important text';
my $value = 'Hello, World!';
my $length = length $key . $prompt;
$p -= $length;
Option 1:
$key = $key . ' ' x $p . $prompt;
Option 2:
if ( $p > 0 ) {
$key = $...
I'm looking for a way to do this in Perl:
$a = "60"; $b = "< 80";
if ( $a $b ) { then .... }
Here, $b "holds" an operator... can I do this? Maybe some other way?
I want to build a generic Perl module for handling and analysing biomedical character separated datasets and which can, most certain, be used on any kind of datasets that contain a mixture of categorical (A,B,C,..) and continuous (1.2,3,881..) and identifier (XXX1,XXX2...). The plan is to have people initialize the module and the...
I'm having some problems writing data into a file using Perl.
sub startNewOrder{
my $name = makeUniqueFileName();
open (ORDER, ">$name.txt") or die "can't open file: $!\n";
format ORDER_TOP =
format ORDER =
I have a project that depends upon some other binaries to be downloaded from web at install time.For this what i do is:
if ( file-present-in-src/)
# skip that file
# use wget to download the file
The problem with this approach is that when I interrupt a download in middle, and do invoke the script next time, the partially...
Hello! The Term::Size-module jumbles up the encoding. How can I fix this?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings; use strict;
use 5.010;
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use Term::Size;
my $string = 'Hällö';
say $string;
my $columns = ( Term::Size::chars *STDOUT{IO} )[0];
say $columns;
say $string;
I have several thousand objects with a string property in the format of "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ". I want to sort these objects by time.
Are there any useful packages or scripts for this?
(Currently I'm just comparing individual numeric values and it seems it's not very efficient and neat.)
I'm running an IRC Bot (Bot::BasicBot) which has two child processes running File::Tail but when exiting, they don't terminate. So I'm killling them using Proc::ProcessTable like this before exiting:
my $parent=$$;
my $proc_table=Proc::ProcessTable->new();
for my $proc (@{$proc_table->table()}) {
kill(15, $proc->pid) if ($proc->ppid =...
I've been trying to get an Gtk2::Image object in this Perl Gtk2 application to get to react to button presses, but to no avail. The image shows as expected but the button events don't get handled. What am I missing?
my $img = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file( $file );
$img->set_property( sensitive => 1 );
$img->can_focus( 1 );
When using the Perl module Net::Cassandra::Easy to interface with Cassandra I use the following code to read colums col[123] from rows row[123] in the column-family Standard1:
my $cassandra = Net::Cassandra::Easy->new(keyspace => 'Keyspace1', server => 'localhost');
my $result = $cassandra->get(['row1', 'row2', 'r...
I am trying to devise a set of 15 to 25 questions to ask some of the people applying at our company.
Can you guys throw in some good questions about Ruby, XML, Ajax, or Perl?
This is for Junior position. I want just some easy questions, but at the same time they can be a little challenging. You know small answers, but requiring good k...
I'm trying to grep through a bunch of files in nested subdirectories to look for regular expression matches; my regex requires negative lookbehind.
Perl has negative lookbehind, but as far as I can tell GNU grep doesn't support negative lookbehinds.
What's the easiest way to get an equivalent to GNU grep that supports negative lookbehi...
I have created HTTP::Request which looks like this:
require HTTP::Request;
require LWP::UserAgent;
require HTTP::Cookies;
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://www.google.com/');
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new();
How can I sort the dates in Perl?
my @dates = ( "02/11/2009" , "20/12/2001" , "21/11/2010" );
I have above dates in my array . How can I sort those dates?
My date format is dd/mm/YYYY.
In my Perl code, I need to copy a directory from one location to another on the same host excluding some files/patterns (e.g. *.log, ./myDir/abc.cl).
What would be the optimum way of doing this in Perl across all the platforms?
On Windows, xcopy is one such solution. On unix platforms, is there a way to do this in Perl?
I am trying to install Lingua::Lid onto a unix system (ubuntu, latest version). Of course I am root. When I go into the package to install using perl Makefile.PL I get this dumb error:
[root@csisl27 Lingua-Lid-0.01]# perl Makefile.PL
/opt/ls//lib does not exist at Makefile.PL line 48.
I have tried playing with the path on line 48, not...
When using Perl's Net::Cassandra::Easy the following code will retrieve columns col[1-3] from rows row[1-3]:
$result = $cassandra->get(['row1', 'row2', 'row3'], family => 'Standard1', byname => ['col1', 'col2', 'col3');
The corresponding SQL would be:
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM rows WHERE id IN ('row1', 'row2', 'row3');
Suppose i...