
how to add a simple message to a php-gtk statusbar?

I have a simple GtkStatusBar created with glade,and want to add a simple message with the date of the last update of the database (just a simple and plain date). I don't want to use the whole stacks, context and all the other things that gtk developers put on the statusbar code. (I could simply use a label but I would like to keep the ...

Can someone explain Gtk2 packing?

I need to use Gtk2 for a project. I will be using python/ruby for it. The problem is that packing seems kind of mystical to me. I tried using a VBox so that I could have the following widgets in my window ( in the following order ): menubar toolbar text view/editor control I've managed to "guess" my way with pack_start and get the la...

Can GtkMenuItem have colored label

So I am basically doing the following and I want SomeText to have red forground color. How to achieve this: GtkWidget *menu_item =gtk_menu_item_new_with_labelex("SomeText"); I am using GDK 2.0 Thanks ...

gtk_menu_item_new_with_labelex vs gtk_menu_item_new_with_label

what is the difference between these two function calls: menu_item_new_with_labelex vs gtk_menu_item_new_with_label ...

g_slice_new doesn't accept my struct type

that is how I build it: gcc pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 -o spawn spawn_with_pipes.c In the snippet of example below, I get an error: syntax error before "Data - it refers to data= g_slice_new(Data); #include <gtk/gtk.h> typedef struct { /* Buffers that will display output */ GtkTextBuffer *out; GtkTextBuffer *err...

Perl Multithreaded GTK+ applet

I'd like to write a Perl GTK+ application which will: 0.1) Press button A 0.2) Disable A 0.3) start threads 1 and 2 0.4) start thread 3 Thread 3 does the following: 3.1) join thread 1 3.2) join thread 2 3.3) Enable A On completion of thread 3, the button A should be enabled again. Now, this kind of approach is perf...

Unresolvable Ruby Gtk2 Error

I keep getting a 'uninitialize GLib::Object' error from my code. Here's the code: class MainWindow < Gtk::Window def initialize title = "I'm The Title Of An Application! Yay!" border_width = 10 set_size_request(600, 300) signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } @vbox =

How to find GTK version in PHP-GTK2?

This one is driving me nuts. According to GTK's site, there exists GTK_MAJOR_VERSION, GTK_MINOR_VERSION, and GTK_MICRO_VERSION constants. However, none of these work: echo GTK_MAJOR_VERSION; echo GtK::MAJOR_VERISON; echo Gtk::GTK_MAJOR_VERSION; etc Also, Gtk::check_version(2,12,0) always fails even though I have a higher version. I'...

Need example/help with GtkTextBuffer (of GtkTextView) serialize/deserialize

I am trying to save user's bold/italic/font/etc tags in a GtkTextView. Using GtkTextBuffer.get_text() does not return the tags. The best documentation I have found on this is: However, I do not understand the function arguments. It ...

Is casting an integer value to a void* an often used paradigm in callbacks?

Rather than sending an actual pointer to a value, the value is cast to a pointer. I found these examples in the GUI interface code of a GTK program. g_signal_connect (pastebutton[pane], "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_paste_button_pressed), (void*)((long)pane<<4)); In the above example, I...

How do I handle button presses in Gtk2::Image objects?

I've been trying to get an Gtk2::Image object in this Perl Gtk2 application to get to react to button presses, but to no avail. The image shows as expected but the button events don't get handled. What am I missing? my $img = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file( $file ); $img->set_property( sensitive => 1 ); $img->can_focus( 1 ); $img->...

gtk2 auto translation is choosing the wrong language

Not sure if yall can help this time, as I'm just using this particular program not coding with it... I downloaded Deluge, a free torrent app, and it requires GTK2 Runtime which I've also installed. Unfortunately, on my English WinXP with East Asian Language support Deluge sets itself to Chinese menus and has no option to alter the langu...

installing ruby/gnome2 on ruby1.9

My purpose is to install ruby/gnome2 and make it work with ruby1.9 on Ubuntu9.10. I already have ruby/gnome2 working with ruby1.8, but I need to make it work with ruby1.9. I also have ruby1.9 working. When I run within ruby-gnome2-all-0.19.3: ruby1.9 extconf.rb it eventually gives me: Target libraries: glib, gdkpixbuf, pango, atk, gt...

Refresh text shown in a GTK+ widget?

Being resonably new to using GTK+, im not fully aware of all its functionality. Basically, I have a GtkTreeView widget that has 4 Columns. I need to update the text displayed in the 4 columns every couple of seconds, but im not aware how to do this in GTK+. I'm aware that I could flush the data using gtk_tree_store_clear, but I'm not ...

GTK+-based graph?

I want to be able to make a line graph using GTK+ but I'm unsure how to approach this. Has anyone got any hints or tips? ...

How to install a newer version of Gtk2 and Glib in Ubuntu Hardy

The install of Gtk2 and Glib mentioned above is only the first part. What I really want to do is install a piece of software called Chart in my Ubuntu Hardy machine. Here is the instruction: "To run Chart you need Perl 5.10, Gtk2-Perl 1.220, and a list of Perl modules as long as your arm, per the Makefile.PL in the sources, all availa...

Question about Modal Dialog in Gtk application

Hi, In Gtk application, there is 1 main loop which listens for events (e.g. mouse click, keyboard, etc). And when a modal dialog popup, the main loop is blocked until user clicks 'OK' in the dialog, right? (i.e. nothing will happen when user clicks on the main window). Is that correct? My question is how can firefox did its modal dia...

Sort data in GtkTreeView non-alphabetically?

I'm trying to sort a column of data in a GTK tree view non-alphabetically. I can't seem to find a function in the GTK+ libraries that cant do such a thing. Does anyone here know of a way to do this? UPDATE: Below is the code im currently trying to use: column = gtk_tree_view_column_new(); gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(column, "Mem...

g_signal_connect error invalid use of member

Hi Guys, More GTK questions, im trying to compile some code and im getting the following error: error: invalid use of member (did you forget the ‘&’ ?) This is comming from the g_signal_connect call: g_signal_connect ((gpointer) Drawing_Area_CPU, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK (graph_expose), NULL); Drawing_Area_CPU is a GtkW...

BadAlloc X Error

Hi Guys, Im having some problems with a GTK program im trying to build. When i compile it i keep getting this error: This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. (Details: serial 195 error_code 11 request_code 53 minor_code 0) Ive traced it down to the following comman...