
How to set text editable in GtkEntry

Hi Guys, Pretty straight foward question, I have a GtkEntry widget that i want to set to be editable. I know the function i should use is: gtk_editable_set_editable But i dont know how to make it take a GtkEntry widget as an arguement Can anyone help me? Regards Paul UPDATE: Ok, so here is the code im using: GtkWidget *TextEnt...

How do I link gtk library more easily with cmake in windows?

I'm now doing it in a very ugly way by manually including all the required path(the gtk bundle is at D:/Tools/gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32): include_directories(D:/Tools/gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32/include/gtk-2.0 D:/Tools/gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32/include/glib-2.0 D:/Tools/gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32/lib/glib-2...

Can g_time_out add be given a member function of a class?

The question is simply in the title, if I have a function I want to use via a g_timeout_add(), but this function is a class member function, is there any way I can use it with g_timeout_add()? ...

Change the label of GtkButton

I want to be able to change the label of a GtkButton after the widget has been shown char *ButtonStance == "Connect"; GtkWidget *EntryButton = gtk_button_new_with_label(ButtonStance); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(ButtonVbox), EntryButton, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(TopVbox), ButtonVbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_a...

Ruby GTK fails without display (Python is OK)

it seems that Ruby GTK apps are unable to run in nongraphical environment.. while python apps are able to. oversimplified examples (even without the gtk main loop), demonstrating this behavior: #! /usr/bin/python import gtk print('the end') gtktest.rb: #! /usr/bin/ruby require "gtk2" puts('the end') X window environme...

gnope for php-gtk2 is gone?

Hi, where can i download the gnope installer to have the php-gtk2 in my machine ?, according to the online manual, it is found at, but I am being redirected to this tradebit website, ...

[C] glist.c: No such file or directory

Hello, I have c/gtk+ application and GList which filled three elements, when i try to run following code with gdb: if (g_list_length(mw->img_list) > 0) printf(">0"); else printf("<0"); i see: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0xb73c4700 (LWP 7936)] IA__g_list_length (list=0x6e6920) at g...

ruby memory leak Gdk::PixbufLoader

So I'm beginning to wonder how leaky the gnome2 libraries for ruby1.8.6 are. #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'gtk2' while true sleep 0.1 pixbuf = pixbuf = nil end this leaks about 16kb/sec according to watch -n 1 ps -o rss -p <process id> This is compounded if you start trying to write a chunk of large chun...

Control tab focus (choose next element to focus) with GTK / PyGTK

How can I force the Tab to focus the element I want, is it possible to give my software a list of elements to cycle focus ? I remember once using a property called tabindex, but I can't find it anymore. Maybe, preventing Tab to focus an element could also work ? ...

GTK / PyGTK make ComboBox searchable with keyboard

Is it possible to make a ComboBox searchable ? If yes, how ? I want to be able, when the ComboBox is active and a letter is typed with the keyboard, to select the first item beginning with this letter inside the ComboBox and so on with the next letters. The is the same functionality of a ComboBox inside a webpage, for example. I can't...

Can't scroll to the end of TreeView PyGTK / GTK

When I try to scroll down to the end of my TreeView, which is inside a ScrolledWindow, it doesn't scroll where it should but one or two lines before. I tried several methods and they all provide the same behavior : self.wTree.get_widget("tree_last_log").scroll_to_cell((self.number_results-1,)) # or self.wTree.get_widget("tree_last_log...

Align a GtkLabel relative to a GtkDrawingArea

I have a GtkLabel and a GtkDrawingArea within a VBox, I want to center the label relative to a X-coordinate of the GtkDrawingArea (which is below of the label in the VBox), how can I tell GTK to center that label relative to that "anchor" point ? This point should be the center of the label. ...

Configuring GTK accelerators.

I run GTK2 applications under linux, on my apple computer. I would like to know how to modify the global accelerator settings. In particular, I would like to copy paste using Command-c Command-v instead of Ctrl-c Ctrl-v. Has anybody done this? Is there a config file somehwere that contains the accelerator assignments? ...

Is there a way to make changes to the titlebar with GTK2?

Hi there. I have a desktop application written in Ruby that is using GTK2. It's just a small test application to play with GTK2, but I'm having problems achieving what I want to do. Is there any way using GTK2 to get at the titlebar (apart from setting the title), specifically to either add a button to it (beside the min/max/etc, B in th...

Can I load a gtkbuilder app into a "parent" gtkbuilder frame?

I am using Glade-3 to build a suite of Gtk applications. The applications are supposed to have a common look-and-feel, and we have decided on a common "frame" that all apps will share, that includes a menu bar, toolbar, status-bar(s), a vertical panel - and a space in the middle that will be filled out by each application. This common ...

PHP GTK short path

I have the following PHP GTK code located in C:\gtk <?php if (!class_exists('gtk')) { die("Please load the php-gtk2 module in your php.ini\r\n"); } $wnd = new GtkWindow(); $wnd->set_title('Background'); $wnd->set_resizable(false); $wnd->set_position(GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); $wnd->connect_simple('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit')); ...

PHP GTK button click

I'm trying to make this button change background when you click it and this is what I have: <?php if (!class_exists('gtk')) { die("Please load the php-gtk2 module in your php.ini\r\n"); } function loc(){ return dirname(__FILE__); }; $wnd = new GtkWindow(); $wnd->set_title('Picture Viewer'); $wnd->set_resizable(false); $wnd->set_...

Available properties for a WnckWindow

There are .get_property, .set_property, .get_properties and .set_properties available in the wnck.Window (WnckWindow) class, but what are the available properties one can use here? ...

How to catch GTK focus state in gtkrc ?

GTK+ 2.x has the follow states: NORMAL, PRELIGHT, ACTIVE, INSENSITIVE, SELECTED for use in GTK themes and I can do things like... bg[NORMAL] = "#f6f6f6" .. to change background color when in NORMAL state. Also, I can change the background image of a button (when the mouse is over it) by changing the PRELIGHT state image. But I was n...