I have an XML file that I am pulling from the web and parsing. One of the items in the XML is a 'content' value that has HTML. I am using XML::Simple::XMLin to parse the file like so:
$xml= eval { $data->XMLin($xmldata, forcearray => 1, suppressempty=> +'') };
When I use Data::Dumper to dump the hash, I discovered that SimpleXML is pa...
I just installed my system with Oracle 64-bit Linux5.4 running Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.3 and mod_perl 2.
Now, I have my Perl libraries set in a specific path: /my/perl/libs and I have adjusted my httpd.conf to compensate for this (I added the below):
SetEnv MY_LIBS /my/perl/libs
and in my CGI programs I'm setting my envi...
I have a file that contain list of numbers that looks like this:
2 10^-14
3 10^-20
To explain a bit further 10^-92 is essentially 1E-92 and 2 10^-14 is 2E^-14.
Is there a compact way to convert the number in above file into Perl number? At the end I want to sort these numbers numerically.
I have a lines like this
NF419andZNF773 (e=10^-92,).
ZNF571 (e=2 10^-14,)
What's the regex for extracting the results above so that it gives
NF419andZNF773 - 10^-92
ZNF571 - 2 10^-14
I tried this but fail.
$line =~ /(\w+)\s\(e=\s(.*),\)/;
print "$1 - $2\n";
I don't understand the last line of this function from Programming Perl 3e.
Here's how you might write a function that does a kind of set intersection by returning a list of keys occurring in all the hashes passed to it:
@common = inter( \%foo, \%bar, \%joe );
sub inter {
my %seen;
for my $href (@_) {
while (my $k = eac...
I am trying to output a document that looks like this (more at http://pastebin.com/dpBAY8Sb): 100 <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> <unknown> 94 Canada Hamilton ON 43.250000 -79.833300 0.00
Hi Folks,
this call
my $th = threads->create(\&print, "Hello thread World!\n");
works fine. But as soon as I add
binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(ISO-8859-1)");
to my script file, I get an error like "segmentation fault", "access denied".
What is wrong to define an encoding type when trying to call a perl thread?
I use this condition to check if the value is alphanumeric values:
$value =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/
How can I modify this regex to account for a possible dot . in the value without accepting any other special characters?
Hi, Could you plesae teach me how to Loop & rename MySQL table in Perl. Thanks.
my code snippet attached
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
my $sql = RENAME TABLE old_table TO new_ta...
How to merge file1.txt with file2.txt; then create a new file - file3.txt
hello world
tom jerry
well done
thank you for reading and reply.
Attached the completed code which based on the answer.
use strict;
use warnings;
open(F1,"<","1.txt") or die "Cannot op...
The Disclaimer
First of all, I know this question (or close variations) have been asked a thousand times. I really spent a few hours looking in the obvious and the not-so-obvious places, but there may be something small I'm missing.
The Context
Let me define the problem more clearly: I'm writing a newsletter app in which I want the ac...
I want to use a method of an object.
Like $myObject->helloWorld().
However there are a couple of methods so I loop through an array of method names and call the method like this:
my $methodName ="helloWorld";
This works quite nice but some objects don't have all methods.
How can I tell whether $myObject has ...
I have a hash in Perl which has been dumped into from some legacy code the name of the key has now changed from simply reqHdrs to reqHdrs.bla
My problem is now I cant seem to access this field from the hash any ideas?
The following is my error
Download Script Output: Bareword "reqHdrs" not allowed while "strict su...
I know it is possible to use a variable as a variable name for package variables in Perl. I would like to use the contents of a variable as a module name. For instance:
package Foo;
our @names =("blah1", "blah2");
And in another file I want to be able be able to set the contents of a scalar to "foo" and then access the names arra...
I am wondering if it is possible, and if so how, one could create a perl script that constantly monitors a file/db, and then call a subroutine to perform text processing if the file is changed. I'm pretty sure this would be possible using sockets, but this needs to be used for a webchat application on a site running on a shared host, and...
I am trying to write a unit test for a client server application. To test the client, in my unit test, I want to first start my tcp server (which itself is another perl file). I tried to start the TCP server by forking:
if (! fork()) {
system ("$^X server.pl") == 0 or die "couldn't start server"
So when I call make test after pe...
I have a list of files URLS where I want to download them:
What I want to do is the following for each file:
Download foo1,2.. in parallel with wget and nohup.
Every time it completes download process them with myscript.sh
What I have is this...
I have data that looks like this:
Submitter: UT-MGS, UT-MGS
Study: Glossina morsitans transcript sequencing project(SRP000741)
Sample: Glossina morsitans(SRS002835)
Instrument: Illumina Genome Analyzer
Total: 1 run, 8.3M spots, 299.9M bases
Run #1: SRR016086, 8330172 spots, 299886192 bases
Hello, I am getting an error I do not understand. I am using File:Find to recurse a fylesystem on Windows using Activestate Perl 5.8.8 and trying to stat $File::Find::name; so I am not stat-ing a filename got from a text file scanning requiring chomp-ing or newline removing. I was unable to get file modification time, the mtime in:
my (...
I can't search for a particular string, since they're all very similar, but I'd like something simple to chop out the first 4 lines in a file.
They're all variable length too. I've had a a think about perl, and it all seems harder than I thought, but I'd like to do it in Perl, AWK or a shell command if possible.
Does anybody have a si...