It's taken me a while to track down a sudden problem with my code, but it appears that WWW::Mechanize::GZip is somehow triggering my $SIG{DIE} handler. Consider this code:
use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize::GZip;
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::GZip->new();
I've got a script that grabs standard input:
(code snippet)
sub process_input {
while(<STDIN>) {
$log_data .= $_;
When I run the script: -param1=a -param2=b
I get stuck in this subroutine. Everything runs ok if I do:
echo "" | -param1=a -param2=b
Question is how do I dete...
Hi guys,
I'm trying to setup subversion, so everytime someone commits a change, it updates a working directory that we'll use on a dev box as the 'test' site.
I've setup post-commit, and added the line:
#!/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/svn update /home/administrator/sites/checkmyid --username root --password xxx
Can anyone tell me why this ...
I'm using XMLRPC::PurePerl to connect to an xmlrpc server. I keep getting a 500 SSL Negotiation failed when I try to establish a connection. Here's the code snippet:
my $server = new XMLRPC::PurePerl("");
my $res = $server->call('TestMessage', $arguments);
This doesn't happen on another server where I'...
When using keys %:: to get a list of the currently loaded root namespaces, the Internals:: package is loaded by default (along with UNIVERSAL:: and a few others). However, I haven't found any documentation for the functions in Internals::
keys %{Internals::} returns SvREFCNT hv_clear_placeholders hash_seed SvREADONLY HvREHASH rehash_se...
I'm writing a perl script that takes a "duration" option, and I'd like to be able to specify this duration in a fairly flexible manner, as opposed to only taking a single unit (e.g. number of seconds). The UNIX at command implements this kind of behavior, by allowing specifications such as "now + 3 hours + 2 days". For my program, the "n...
From everything I've read on using Perl modules, the basic usage is:
Module file with .pm extension, which includes the statement package <name>, where <name> is the filename of the module without the extension.
Code file that uses module contains the statement use <name>;.
The application I'm coding has one main code script which us...
What is the "best" way to use "isa()" reliably? In other words, so it works correctly on any value, not just an object.
By "best", I mean lack of un-handled corner cases as well as lack of potential performance issues, so this is not a subjective question.
This question mentions two approaches that seem reliable (please note that the ...
I have multiple versions of Perl installed; each under a different directory. e.g. C:\Perl\5.x.y. I switch between them in a shell by setting PERL5LIB and altering my PATH so that only one version is visible at a time. Normally, this works fine, but when trying to run the version of pp (PAR::Packer) installed under 5.10.1 I have problems...
From the SQL::Statement::Functions documentation:
Function syntax
When using SQL::Statement/SQL::Parser directly to parse SQL, functions (either built-in or user-defined) may occur anywhere in a SQL statement that values, column names, table names, or predicates may occur. When using the modules through a DBD or in any other con...
Can I do something like the following in Perl?
foreach (@tokens) {
if (/foo/){
# simple case, I can act on the current token alone
# do something
if (/bar/) {
# now I need the next token, too
# I want to read/consume it, advancing the iterator, so that
# the next loop iterat...
I want to install perl modules on a shared server on which I do not have root access. How can I do this? They also seem to have an older version of CPAN (it complains about that when running the command), is it possible to update the CPAN command being used from my account without requiring root access?
If a string in Perl 5 passes looks_like_number, it might as well be a number. For instance,
my $s = "10" + 5;
results in $s being assigned 15.
Are there any cases where a string does not behave like it's numeric equivalent would have?
Hello, I am trying to parse Wikipedia XML Dump using "Parse-MediaWikiDump-1.0.4" along with "" script. I guess this script works fine with ver0.3 Wiki XML Dumps but not with the latest ver0.4 Dumps. I get the following error.
Can't locate object method "page" via package "Parse::MediaWikiDump::Pages" at line 390.
I have a perl script that prints some information to console in Russian. Script will be executed on several OSes, so console encoding can be cp866, koi8-r, utf-8, or some other. Is there a portable way to detect console encoding so I can setup STDOUT accordingly so the text is printed correctly?
Do you know a database written purely in Perl with DBI interface?
Or what can be used if there is no MySql or Postgresql installed and I want to use Perl only?
Thank you.
Ok, I just wanted something that can be used with Catalyst.
I have built a tiny application in Perl that displays a graph over time. It graphs garbage collection usage over time. I use gnuplot to display the actual graph.
This works fine if the time period is short, like a few hours. However, as the time increases (say a few days), the graph becomes difficult to read as the information ge...
I'm writing a Perl wrapper module around a REST webservice and I'm hoping to have some advice on how best to architect the module.
I've been looking at a couple of different Perl modules for inspiration.
Flickr::Simple2 is basically one big file with methods wrapping around the different methods in the Flickr API, e.g. getPhotos()...
I'm trying to write a Perl script that will work better with KDE's kwrited, which, as far as I can tell, is connected to a pts and puts every line it receives through the KDE system tray notifications with the title "KDE write daemon".
Unfortunately, it makes a separate notification for each and every line, so it spams up the system tra...
I am a newcomer to Python and am converting a Perl script. What is the Python equivalent to...
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
Any help is greatly appreciated.