
What are the perldoc perlxxx options?

It appears that using perldoc perl gives the list of, e.g. perlre, perlvar, etc. Is this the best place to find the list of what's available as an overview or tutorial or reference manual section? Is there another, better list? ...

How can I use perldoc to lookup the %ENV variable?

I find from reading perldoc perlvar, about a thousand lines in is help for %ENV. Is there a way to find that from the command line directly? On my Windows machine, I've tried the following perldoc ENV perldoc %ENV perldoc %%ENV perldoc -r ENV (returns info about Use Env) perldoc -r %ENV perldoc -r %%%ENV perldoc -r %%%%ENV (says No doc...

How do I use Unicode characters in Pod and perldoc?

I need to use utf-8 characters in my perl-documentation. If I use: perldoc I see strange characters. If I use: pod2text everything is fine. I use Ubuntu/Debian. $ locale LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_TIME="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_ME...

Net::SSLeay post_https compilation error: Too many arguments

I'm interfacing with a payment gateway and not having any luck with Net::SSLeay and its post_https subroutine. The payment gateway has issued me a client certificate that must be used for authentication. The Net::SSLeay perldoc has the following example: ($page, $response, %reply_headers) = post_https('', 443, '/f...

Where in the documentation does it say that while tests readdir for definedness?

See also: How is "0" result from readdir not false in a while condition?. (Not a duplicate; just closely related.) Where in the documentation does it say that while tests readdir for definedness? For instance, this code #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; opendir my $dir, "/tmp" or die "$!"; while (my $file = readdir($dir)...

How to I get perldoc to find my modules in perl/site/lib?

Update: My problem seems to have solved itself. Not sure what's going on. Sorry for the false alarm. My understanding is that perl/lib is reserved for the core Perl distribution and that I should be putting my own modules in perl/site/lib. However, when I do that, perldoc does not find my modules. It does find modules that I put in perl...

How can I generate HTML documentation for Perl code comments?

I've come into ownership of a bunch of code that's held together with various Perl scripts. There's some documentation in the form of comments (not Pod) embedded in these scripts that I'd like to be able to extract and browse in an HTML format. Basically, I'm looking for something like javadoc or rubydoc, but for Perl. "perldoc" seeme...

Using POD for CSS documentation

I'm working on the frontend of a project which has a Perl backend. The CSS files are getting pretty big and complicated, and are in need of some documentation and Tables of Contents. I looked at various guides, slides and blog posts where everyone suggest their own style of plain text formatting. There seems to be no good standard, maki...