
Import from Pervasive Database Files

I need to import data from pervasive database to sql server. I have installed pervasive db claient & oledb provider. the pervasive database with me is in file format (folder with .DAT files). I would like to know how to read data from these files. when i used connection string as "Provider=PervasiveOLEDB;Data Source=C:\datafilesDirectory...

What is meant by Distributed Systems AND Pervasive Middleware and Services

Hi, I like to know what is meant by 1)Distributed Systems 2)Pervasive Middleware and Services what technologies are involved in it and what programming languages might be used for them. as they are included in the program structure of a postgraduate course. Thanks ...

open source music streaming api

I would like to stream music (not random, specific...e.g if i want megadeth - peace sells i should be able to stream it) to the clients from the server. grooveshark came to my mind first, but it doesn't have an open api that i can use. do you know any facilities like grooveshark that has an open api? ...

C# and Pervasive, find the type of data in a column

I am using Pervasive and I would like to know what kind of data a column contains. However, the only overload of PsqlDataReader.GetFieldType accepts an int index. But I want to know using the column name. I guess I could just loop through all the columns and find the one with the specified name, but I do not want to do that. Is there an...

Pervasive Sql 10 Join one table, onto another, onto another

I have a table with products. When I get information from that table, I would also like to get the ETA of that article. To do so, I am planning to get the latest purchase Order Row, that is on this article, and then get the expected delivery of this purchase. This is three different tables and I would like it to be like another column o...