
Phantom Referenced Objects

Phantom References serve for post-mortem operations. The Java specification states that a phantom referenced object will not be deallocated until the phantom-reference itself is cleaned. My question is: What purpose does this feature (object not deallocated) serve? (The only idea i came up with, is to allow native code to do post-morte...

How Phantom reference works ?

The API doc says This reference type differs from the others in that it isn't meant to be used to access the object, but as a signal that the object has already been finalized, and the garbage collector is ready to reclaim its memory. If Phantom reference cannot be used to access the object, how does the garbage collector reclaims...

How to make part of a linked set of objects phantom?

I'm new to scripting, and am trying to make a small kiddie pool. I have a hollow cylinder as the outside of the pool, and made a smaller cylinder inside of it with a script I wrote that moves the water texture AND makes the inside cylinder phantom. The following is what I wrote in the state entry to make it phantom: llSetLinkPrimiti...

$n = 2; 10-$n = 87...

hi there, well this is what i am doing: $total = (array_sum($odds))+$evens; $total = str_split($total); echo 'total[1]: '.$total[1].'<br />'; echo '10-$total[1]: ' . (10-($total[1])); and the output is: total[1]: 2 10-$total[1]: 87 my guess is it is being treated as a string, but how do i fix it? so, what i want to know is wh doe...

Understanding Java's Reference classes: SoftReference, WeakReference, and PhantomReference...

Can someone explain the difference between the three Reference classes (or post a link to a nice explanation)? SoftReference > WeakReference > PhantomReference, but when would I use each one? Why is there a WeakHashMap but no SoftHashMap or PhantomHashMap? And if I use the following code... WeakReference<String> ref = new WeakReference...

Member-function pointers and phantom classes

I've been messing about with member-function pointers in relation to a previous question. In the code below I call methods on a class (B) that change a variable (count) in it, but I never make an instance of this class. Why does this work? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> class A; typedef int (A::*MEMFUNC)(int, int)...