
How To ? Form Post to Multiple Locations

I have a form which I need to POST to multiple scripts. How can I do this the simplest way? I know it could be done with Javascript, Curl or Snoopy class, but really which is the most simplest and best way to do this. One of the scripts sends email and it's a php file, the other is hosted elsewhere. Need to collect data on both script...

Proper way to pass along many variables in an OOP design (PHP)

How would I properly pass along data to a class being referenced in this structure: -Head Index - PageBuilder - PageSection -Body -Foot I want to send lots of data to head, for example, but I would like to avoid this: new PageSection('head','how to cook',$keywords,$...

PHP 5.2.11 Update Problem

I just updated PHP 5.2.0 to 5.2.11 and now I am getting loads of errors when calling PHP :( I downloaded source and used the same ./configure line from old phpinfo then did make install. The errors I'm getting are below, anyone have any ideas how to sort out this mess please? This is on RHEL 5.2 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: dbase: Unab...

Update to php5.3 breaks connecting to mysql db

I just updated php to 5.3 and can no longer connect to my remote mysql server. I get the following errors: mysqli_connect(): OK packet 6 bytes shorter than expected mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2000): mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication It seems this has to do with the new mysqlnd driver. Is there a way to force ...

Passing by Reference in PHP 5.x

Hi, iam studying for the Zend PHP5 Cerfitication, everything looks good but i cant find real world exampled for passing or returning variables my reference. It would be very nice, if someone has an example when to use this? Thanks in advance. ...

recommended php debugger

I use DBG because I heard you can debug from browser but it doesn't seem to be well supported by IDE's and is pain in the ass to setup. Do you guys use xdebug or dbg? Any other suggestions are very very welcome! ...

sort postgres table data in php through array

I have a postgres database with a table called workorders. In it is a column called date_out where the date is recorded like 2009-09-23. I want to sort this table data in a php page based on a users date range, ie, sort the table by date begin 2009-09-01 end 2009-09-31. Its for an accounts package I am creating for my company. Is there a...

Modifying Containable fields required in beforeFind callback?

In my CakePHP 1.2.5 app, I have a Profile model that belongsTo a User model. The User model has a username field, and when performing a find() on the Profile model, I want to always automatically retrieve the value of User.username too. I figure it would make sense to modify my Profile model's beforeFind() method to automatically conta...

Codeigniter SQL query

Hi there I am trying to do a COUNT that has WHERE clauses in it, the code I am using is function count_tasks($userId) { $this->db->count_all('tasks'); $this->db->where('tasksAssignedTo', $userId); $query = $this->db->where('taskPriority_taskPriorityId !=', 6); return $query; However Codeigniter only seems to be running the foll...

What is the best Host provider for Apple Push Notification Service

Hi I would like to know , the best affordable Hoster for APNs Because it requires 2195&2196 ports to be opened to work... i checked site5 & justhost Please let me know which one is the best to go with it Thanks a million in advance ...

PHP and Windows 7 error reporting

i have installed php 5.3.0 on windows 7 & IIS and i configure it for CGI i fond a great article at its really easy and it works (thanks who have uploaded this) php run fine, but problem is when there is any error in script instead of getting err...

How to skip using __autoload?

Hi, I have a php file which has multiple classes in it. I noticed that __autoload is being called when I instantiate any of the classes, even after the 'package' file has been autoloaded. This is worrying me, because surely if the initial 'package' .php file has been loaded, it is unnecessary overhead for __autoload when the classes hav...

How to pass value from Javascript to PHP and get return of PHP back to Javascript

Hi All, How to pass value from Javascript to PHP and get return of PHP back to Javascript function I am having HTML page which will have Javascript function which should call PHP (php is another file) for example like function JavaCallphp() { test = Validate.php } "test" is variable on JavaScript Validate.php is the File which con...

How do I input data into <input> form using PHP?

Okay, basically, I have a large list of phone numbers in a text file and I need to submit them all into a website by copy and pasting the phone number into the input form on the website and hit submit. Now, how can I automate this using PHP? I have no access to the website with input form. ...

Empty variable in PHP script causes IIS7 to throw an HTTP 500 error

I am running IIS7 and PHP5 locally on my machine and the code above will cause IIS to throw an HTTP 500 error. After a lot of frustration and confusion I figured out that any PHP script with empty variable will throw this IIS error. Below is an example of this: <?php $x = $y; ?> I find this behavior very odd and it breaks a large perce...

Convert Ruby Code To PHP Help Please

Ruby Code: # Turn hash input into JSON, store it in variable called "my_input" my_input = { "itemFilter" => { "keywords" => "milk" }}.to_json # Open connection to @http ="") # Post the request to our API, with the "findItems" name and our JSON from above as the value response_code, data = @ht...

compiling php4 headers instead of php5

Hi, I'm compiling certain extensions for PHP on dreamhost PS server. I got an error and found that it happens when php4 headers are used instead of php5 headers. running phpinfo shows the server runs php5. however php-v on the command line gives php4. How can I make the compilation use php5 instead of php4 on my server? Is there an env...

How can I determine if a PDO statement cursor is closed?

I have a search class that keeps prepared PDO statements around for re-execution with new parameters each time the search is run. A conflict occurs if a second search is run while a previous search still has a result set open and is returning results. What I'd like to do in this case is simply create and execute a new statement rather th...

How do I gzip my html source

I would like to gzip the html sources of my webpages, what's the best way to do it on a lighttpd/php5 server. I have tried to do it by editing my php.ini file with: zlib.output_compression = On zlib.output_handler = On but it seems to be a transparent compression only. ...

Is there a way to turn off auto-conversion of objects to strings in php 5.2?

I'm using a compiler that has a slightly older version of PHP than my dev machine (5.1.3 vs. 5.2.6 IIRC). That version doesn't do the auto-conversion, which can result in some sneaky bugs in the compiled version. I'd rather not downgrade my dev box, but if I can somehow turn that off, that might be helpful in finding those earlier. ...