
insert values from one table to another table in mysql

i have two tables one is table 'a' and second is table 'b'. in table 'a' there are five feilds and a_id is assigned as primary key and in second table 'b' there are two feilds and b_id is assigned as primary key.there is one common feild name in both table as problem is when i insert value in table 'a' then table 'b' should ...

how can I encrypt an entire column

Hello All, I'm setting up a mail server and I'm mysql for the passwords table. Currently it's secured using the ENCRYPT() function however I have a large CSV I'd like to import where the passwords are all plain text. Is there any way I could import these as plain text and then run a query to run ENCRYPT() on the whole column and update ...

Mac Snow Leopard Mcrypt extension

Hi Guys. Im running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6. When trying to get into phpMyAdmin, I am getting the following error: "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration." Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm not fantastically technical so a simple explanation would be welcome! Cheers, Mark. ...

Bad Situation importing/exporting img files - mysql database

I inherited a poorly created mysql database and now I need to migrate data to a new server. Long story short, I need to keep it stored this way and I use phpmyadmin. Know of any tools to help the migration of this 1.2GB mysql table? Hope I don't get slaughtered for this post... ...

Get the list of data from one table, and some count of records from another, is it possible to do in one query?

I have two tables - countries, tours. countries has fields (id),(name),(order) tours has fields (id),(id_country)... I need to get the whole list of id and name from table countries ordered by their order, and the count of records in table tours, where tours.id_country = countries. Ie, i need to get such list id na...

Can a enum value in phpmyadmin be like this? 'Readme'=>1

In this, I would see Readme, but the value would be set to 1 Is this possible? edit; Sorry. Basically I have a site. It's navigation is in the database. It need to display nav items depening on the users state, like, logged in , admin, blogger, not loggin, and indepenant. These work, however I would like to move from numerical values t...

MYSQL Error 1064 when importing stored procedures

I'm importing a stored procedure which I just exported from my development server into my production one and I ran into the following error in phymyadmin. SQL query: Documentation $$ CREATE DEFINER = `devuser`@`localhost` FUNCTION `get_refundable_amount` ( enrol_id INT ) RETURNS double( 10, 2 ) READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE refundable_a...

Creating functions in mysql doesnt work - Error 1064

I tried this example via phpMyAdmin mysql> DELIMITER | mysql> CREATE FUNCTION WEIGHTED_AVERAGE (n1 INT, n2 INT, n3 INT, n4 INT) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE avg INT; SET avg = (n1+n2+n3*2+n4*4)/8; RETURN avg; ...

how can I ignore id column when importing into mySQL via phpMyAdmin?

I need to export data from a table in database A, then import it into an identically-structured table in database B. This needs to be done via phpMyAdmin. Here's the problem: no matter what format I choose for the export (CSV or SQL) ALL columns (including the auto-incremented ID field) get exported. Because there's already data in the t...

New to SQL, how do I use results from a SELECT call on TableA to SELECT against TableB?

I'm using phpMyAdmin to query the database. I want to select all the entries in TableA where Date='2010-08-01'. Then I want to use the SubID attributes of the items in the result table to find all the entries in TableB with matching SubIDs. I know I have to use a JOIN somewhere, but I am not sure how or where. I searched StackOverflo...

Exporting MYSQL functions with different access privileges based on creator

Hi, From phpMyAdmin, I was exporting the functions/procedures used by the user assigned to a particular database and 3 functions didnt get exported because they were created by the 'superadmin'. I was able to see these functions within localhost > database_name -> Structure -> Routines BUT, I was not able to modify their structure o...

Unable to import MYSQL function - ERROR 1064 (42000)

I'm trying to understand why the following is failing and I'm not able to see it. The phpMyAdmin on our development server generated this exactly, but when I try importing it - I'm running into a weird parsing(?) error. mysql> DELIMITER $$ mysql> mysql> -- mysql> -- Functions mysql> -- mysql> DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `get_class_nextsessi...

Whats a simple/quick file-upload script programmed in PHP?

I am making a website which gives the user the privilege of uploading a text document to the server. The server then should take the file and store it in the ftp server when it is uploaded and the SQL database should hold the data associated with the file. ...

PhpMyadmin CSV Import data order? Mine is jubmled from CSV order?

I'm trying to import my CSV data file back into my database in the same order it is in the CSv file. However when I import the order is all jumbled from how it appears in the file. Is there a way to force PHPmyadmin to import in the exact same order as the CSV? ...

Granting the create view privilege in mysql using cpanel/myphpadmin

I am using cpanel and I wanted to grant a user create view privileges. When I created the user and database in cpanel it did not have an option for that. So I tried to do it in phpmyadmin using GRANT CREATE VIEW ON (dbname).* TO '(db username)'@'localhost'; and I get the error #1044 - Access denied for user '(host username)'@'loca...

MySQL datetime warning #1264

Why does the date 2010-10-11 24:00:00 give me a MySQL warning? The data is then not written to the database. Warning: #1264 Out of range value adjusted for column 'date' at row 1 ...

Access phpmyadmin over lan using mamp

Dear stackoverflow users and contributors, We are trying to set up a Mamp Pro installation ( on Mac ) which allows us to access PhPmyAdmin over the lan. We can access the htdocs folder to edit it's contents using standard sharing so that is not a problem. The problem is that we can't seem to the access the PhPmyAdmin of this installati...

mysql auto increment primary key id's

How do you look for a delete ID number that has been used, but deleted as is no longer used, before you just append on top of the last ID number that has been added For example: ID Name 1 Orange 5 Apple I have auto increment on, I want to add Banana in to number 2, but auto increment is adding it as ID 6 I'm ...

Import file size limit in PHPMyAdmin

I have changed all the php.ini parameters I know: upload_max_filesize, post_max_size. Why am I still seeing 2MB? Im using Zend Server CE, on a Ubuntu VirtualBox over Windows 7 host. ...

How to dump a subset of datas from phpmyadmin

Is it possible with phpmyadmin to export a dump of selected tables, with only a subset of datas? For example the first 50 records? ...