
How to load .bmp file into BitmapImage class Tkinter python

I'm unable to find any way to load .bmp file into Tkinter() so that I can use it in a canvas widget!Plz help me! from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image import ImageTk import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox root=Tk() class lapp: def __init__(self,master): w=Canvas(root,width=300,height=300) w.pack() p=Image.ope...

How can I use PIL to crop a select area based on face detection?

Hi I am wanting to use the python imaging library to crop images to a specific size for a website. I have a problem, these images are meant to show people's faces so I need to automatically crop based on them. I know face detection is a difficult concept so I'm thinking of using the face.com API http://developers.face.com/tools/#faces/d...

Python save matplotlib figure on an PIL Image object

HI, is it possible that I created a image from matplotlib and I save it on an image object I created from PIL? Sounds very hard? Who can help me? ...

Matplotlib how to draw on figure on PIL image

I've got a new problem here, I wish to inputs a PIL image object, and then draw the figure that generated from matplotlib, and then return the PIL image object. How could I achieve this? ...

Is it possible to save SymPy's image to the image object from PIL Image?

Hi, there. May I ask is it possible to save SymPy's image to the image object from PIL Image? I really need to do this. And so far I 've got no idea around this, please help with this, thank you! ...

Python: How to export Sympy image to png?

Python: How to export Sympy image to png? Who has any idea with this? ...

How to add text below gif image in python using PIL or image magick?

Hello Friends, I have one gif image. I want to add text(IMAGE NAME) to below image and save as new one. f = open("c://temp.gif", 'a') s = f.write(imagename) f.close() Above code work for text file but not for gif Can you help me for this? Thanks, manu ...

How to loop all image pixels and tell whether they are black or white

I have a simple black and white only gif image (400x400px let's say). I need to get all pixels from that image and find whether they are black or white. I need to create a dictionary with the information about the pixels and their colors then. I'm pretty new to python so I am kinda struggling with this. But here goes my script so far: ...

PIL library for Python2.6 not installing properly

I've got a Debian 5 (lenny) setup with Python 2.6 built from source (2.6 isn't available through APT nor backports for some reason) and it has the PIL library installed. During installation it passes telling me I have PNG/ZIP support, which is what i need, but when I either try to run the python script (which works on my windows machine...

Python: how to know how many colors in a bounding box in PIL?

Hey, I've got so many PIL bounding box(x,y, x1,y1) I just want to know how many colors are there in the bounding box, is there any fast way to do? ...

Python: The _imagingft C module is not installed

I've tried lots of solution that posted on the net, they don't work. >>> import _imaging >>> _imaging.__file__ 'C:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL\\_imaging.pyd' >>> So the system can find the _imaging but still can't use truetype font from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter, ImageFont im = Image.new('RGB', (300,300), 'whi...

Problem Writing Image file in Python with PIL

I'm writing a small Python script using the PIL module to change the size of some textures used on a 3D Model in MultiGen Creator. I'm also using the openflight API so that's what the mg* functions are. Here's the script import PIL from PIL import Image db = mgGetCurrentDb() ret,index,name = mgGetFirstTexture (db) while (ret): myAtt...

How can I restore EXIF data after resizing an image with PIL?

This question has been asked before, but it was answered a few years ago and the answer is refers to a broken link and is probably no longer the best method. pyxiv2 looks like it would do the task, but it has a lot of dependencies for a seemingly simple task. I'd also like to know what values will no longer be valid for the resized ima...

How to use Python re module to replace \n with nothing in a single file

Regards to all. I'm developing a Image compression system using Python Image Library. The basic workflow is: Read all images of a certain directory with : find /opt/images -name *.jpg > /opt/rs/images.txt Read this file and storage the result in a Python list Iterate the list, create a Image object and passing like a argument to the co...