
Removing (or updating) an image from RichTextBox

I have a question related to managing OLE objects in a RichTextBox. What I've found so far is lots of info, but not exactly what I need, so I will make a quick introduction first (I also hope someone might find this helpful). 1. What I know so far First of all, I am using OLE to insert images (or any ActiveX) into the RichTextBox. Thi...

Accessing a dialog box's handle and automatically manipulating the user interface

I have some VB code which makes use of a COM api and results in a certain dialog box popping up on the screen. My program is a console application, that needs to run in a batch file, but I haven't found any other way to do things other than finding a way to automatically manipulate the dialog box. Here is the api call (omitting setup co...

Why is my call to SendInput not working

I am using SendInput to send some keyboard commands to a dialog box. It is already the active foreground window when I call SendInput. I first send "Return" and then a bunch of other stuff. The dialog box opens with a button selected by default, and when manually selecting Enter, the button is clicked on the dialog progresses to the ne...

DllNotFoundException using Mono P/Invoke: Why?

I keep getting DllNotFoundExceptions when trying to call my native library from C# (using Mono). I have a native library, for which I'm adding bindings. This is what I'm seeing: $ grep DllImport generated/NativeLibrawLoader.cs | head -n 1 [DllImport("libfspotraw.dll")] $ cat libfspotraw-sharp.dll.config <configuration> <dllmap dll...

Marshaling from C# to C++

Hi, I am new to C# and visual studio. I have a C# GUI that passes parameters to functions exported from a C++ DLL. The platform in Visual Studio 2005. I have a function in the c++ DLL that take parameters of the following types: UINT8 UINT16 LPCWSTR someword (the following has been defined in the c+= dll : typedef void* ba...

Programmatically find out if system supports standby

This happens sometimes with Windows XP installations. Unless the display drivers are installed, power saving actions such as standby and hibernate are not supported. Whether the system supports hibernate can be checked - Is there something similar for checking standby ...

Managed alternative to user32.dll FlashWindow

In a .Net application that flashes the title bar and the corresponding taskbar button for a window, to attract the users' attention, P/Invoke code something like this is used: [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern bool FlashWindow(IntPtr hwnd, bool bInvert); public static void FlashWindow(System.Windows.Forms.Form window) { ...

Marshalling Issues

I have a C++ DLL that interacts with a card reader. It requires a pointer to a data struct, which isn't a problem to do. However, when trying to interact with the DLL in C# I'm getting all kinds of problems. Errors writing to protected memory, the application just shutting down after executing the getData command, etc. Here's what we...

Accessing files beyond MAX_PATH in C#/.NET

BACKGROUND I need to write a tool using .NET version 2.0 at highest (using something off the shelf is not an option for this client for political, commercial, and confidentiality/trust reasons) to migrate files from one server to another over the network. The servers are file servers for local teams, and certain team folders need to be ...

How to marshal a variable sized array of structs? C# and C++ interop help.

I have the following C++ structs struct InnerStruct { int A; int B; }; struct OuterStruct { int numberStructs; InnerStruct* innerStructs; }; And a C++ function OuterStruct getStructs(); How can I marshal this to C#? Where the C# definitions is struct OuterStruct { InnerStruct[] innerStructs; }; ...

Dynamically P/Invoking a DLL

What is the best way to dynamically P/Invoke unmanaged code from .NET? For example, I have a number of unmanaged DLL's with common C-style exports between them. I would like to take the path to a DLL and then P/Invoke a function based on the exported name. I would not know the DLL name until runtime. Basically, what is the equivalent...

Marshalling a struct containing c-strings

I have a C++ struct struct UnmanagedStruct { char* s; }; and a C# struct struct ManagedStruct { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string s; } the C++ library exposes extern "C" UnmanagedStruct __declspec(dllexport) foo( char* input ); And it is imported like [DllImport("SomeDLL.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] static ex...

PInvoke error when marshalling struct with a string in it

I have a C++ struct struct UnmanagedStruct { char* s; // Other members }; and a C# struct struct ManagedStruct { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string s; // Other members } the C++ library exposes extern "C" UnmanagedStruct __declspec(dllexport) foo( char* input ); And it is imported like [DllImport("SomeDLL.dl...

Is it bad practice to put a lot of code in the get function of a property which wraps PInvoke stuff?

A confusing title I know. Let me explain. I have to marshal an array of structs, which then get converted to an array of classes (legacy compatibility). For instance public class InnerClass {} public class OuterClass { private InnerClass[] innerClasses; } public struct InnerStruct { // Data } private static buildInnerClass( Inne...

Using P/Invokes in Mono through Wine

Is it possible to use native Win API functions in Mono through Wine? Are there some additional libraries for interactions between Mono and Wine? ...

Unable to return struct from C++ back to C#

I have a C# program that is calling into a native C++ dll. The C# has a the following struct: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Phenomenon { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] public char Type; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.R8)] public double Jd; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.R8)] public double Loc_jd; [MarshalAs(Un...

ReadConsoleOutput, WriteConsoleOutput, ReadConsoleInput functionality in Mono under Linux

I use in .Net version of my program three native WinApi functions through P/Invoke: ReadConsoleOutput, WriteConsoleOutput, ReadConsoleInput. How to implement this functionality in Mono counterpart under Linux? I know about standart System.Console class. But this class for some strange reason does not support functionality of previously ...

C# P/invoke structure alignment

I'm trying to call NtGetContextThread from C# on AMD64. The problem is that the CONTEXT structure for AMD64 needs to be aligned on a 16-byte boundary, and when I call NtGetContextThread I always get STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT. I'm aware that C# can align individual members of a struct using the Pack attribute, but it doesn't seem to be...

Lock Windows workstation programmatically in C#

I ran into this example for locking Windows workstation: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; ... [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern bool LockWorkStation(); ... if (!LockWorkStation()) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // or any other thing Is there a pure managed alternative to thi...

On Terminal Server, how does a service start a process in a user's session?

From a Windows Service running on a Terminal Server (in global space), we would like to be able to start up a process running a windows application in a specific user's Terminal Server sessions. How does one go about doing this? The Scenerio: the windows service starts at boot time. After the user has logged into a Terminal Server user...