
Problem redirecting output of find to a file

I am trying to put the result of a find command to a text file on a unix bash shell Using: find ~/* -name "*.txt" -print > list_of_txt_files.list However the list_of_txt_files.list stays empty and I have to kill the find to have it return the command prompt. I do have many txt files in my home directory Alternatively How do I save t...

Using prolog to output into bash shell

Hi. I am trying to call a prolog program and receive output into my bash script. Currently I am using the extremely crude version of using halt(0) or halt(1) and then examining the exit code in bash, using 0 as true and 1 as false to the question my prolog program answers. Is there a better way to handle output? I am using gnu prolog. I...

Spawning Ruby programs from Ruby

Say I have a ruby script called hello_world.rb that has one line puts "Hello, world" And I want to call that from another ruby script called spawn_hello_world.rb pipe = IO.popen("ruby1.9.1 hello_world.rb", 'w+') if pipe puts pipe.gets end My question is: Is there a shorthand way of running another ruby process without having to c...