
Is there any C# library for working with pipes with YUV data?

Is there any C# library for working with pipes with YUV data? or at least with yuv files... So we have programm like FFmpeg or VLC or x264.exe it can give us live yuv pipe or file... so is there any good library for playing with yuv files\pipes - like a yuv file\pipe to rgb file pipe... ...

How to create named pipe acsessible Only on your machin? (VS08 C++)

Hello, I have created a program that write video stream to a named pipe on windows, using Visual Studio C++ 2008 . how to be sequre that no one exept programms on this computer can acsess this pipe? npipe = CreateNamedPipe("\\\\.\\pipe\\TestChannel", PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES , 1024...

Piping to findstr's input

I have a text file with a list of macro names (one per line). My final goal is to get a print of how many times the macro's name appears in the files of the current directory. The macro's names are in C:\temp\macros.txt. type C:\temp\macros.txt in the command prompt prints the list alright. Now I want to pipe that output to the standa...

What happens if during a signal handling in UNIX, the same signal gets sent to the program?

Any ideas on this? Is there some kind of a signal queue, or does it get dropped? While we are at this question, is it true that signal handlers should do as minimal work as possible? I read somewhere that a signal handler should use a pipe and just write one byte to it, indicating what the program should do. Then somewhere else the pro...

Ruby background process communication

How can I communicate with a process using anonymous pipes in Ruby? The process in question is supposed to stay there and listen for commands from stdin. I'd also like to read it's output, which is separated by "\r\n". Using Open3 from the standard library: @stdin, @stdout, @stderr, @thr = Open3.popen3(cmd) The problem with this is ...

ERROR with winexe

I try to connect to windows from a debian using winexe, but it give me this error ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED Why is that?? What can I do for fix it?? Somebody helpme please!! ...

Send behavior on Broken pipe

While writing a simple server-client application, this question came in my mind. When someone tries to write to a broken pipe, a SIGPIPE would be generated. Let's say I handle the signal in my code. Now what error does the write call returns - EPIPE or EINTR ( as it was interrupted by a signal). I tried with a sample program and I seem ...

Is it possible to use FFMPEG as live encoder in pipe? (for live stream encoding)

So in my code I am building video frames, 720×480x24bit. I have in mind generating a large number of these, at 30fps, can I use ffmpeg to encode them in to MPEG2 or FLV or VP8 in kind of live mode and get them out in live mode by other programm I created by creating unnamed pipe like FramesGenerator.exe -| FFmpeg.exe args -| LiveE...

Check for a particular string in stdin

Hi, I have a small problem that I don't know how to solve. I have a program which is basically commanded by inputs in stdin. It just keeps running until receives a particular string and then do something else. Ok, I don't have access to the code that controls these inputs but I would like to add a new command. The idea I have is the fo...

reading from stdin, while consuming no more memory than needed

Hi. I am trying to create a line-by-line filter in python. However, stdin.readlines() reads all lines in before starting to process, and python runs out of memory (MemoryError). How can I have just one line in memory at a time? The kind of code I have: for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if( filter.apply( line ) ): print(...

Why does named pipe WCF service reject Windows service clients?

On Windows 7 and .NET 4 I'm getting some very weird effects from the WCF named pipe transport when my WCF client is a Windows service. My WCF service is hosted in a user mode app and exposed over the named pipe binding. My WCF client is a Windows service, running as Network Service (I get the same result if it runs as Local System). I...

[C#] How do I get the access mask of a handle?

Let's say I have a handle. How do I get the access mask of that handle? I need to check if the access mask is 0x001a019f, which indicates the handle is that of a blocking pipe. If it helps, this is a post related to this post. In short, since I'm hooking ntdll.dll's NtCreateFile(), I need to filter out some file handles, since resolving...

Backup using Smo library, trying to use Pipe instead of File to save the data i get from MS SQL

my only problem is that Im trying to save the data i get from the MS SQL when I call the backup function using Pipe ! I dont want to save it as File , I can use VirtualDevice too , but i found NOTHING about both of them online ! some say that Pipe is not used anymore , any suggestions ? or alternatives ? I dont want to use this code: B...

Broken Pipe error

I am using write() on a opened data socket in FTP implementation to send the file out. But after writing some data it is hanging for some time; and after that it is returning with Broken pipe error. any help in this will greatly appreciated. My process reads packets from one buff and writes in to the socket. I noticed this problem with i...

first process of python popen pipe can't be killed

I am using this code p1 = Popen(['rtmpdump'] + cmd_args.split(' '), stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(player_cmd.split(' '), stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE) p2.wait() # try to kill rtmpdump # FIXME: why is this not working ? try: p2.stdin.close() p1.stdout.close() p1.kill() except AttributeError: # if we use python 2.5 from sign...

Shed some light on working with pipes and subprocesses in Python?

Hi Everyone I'm wrestling with the concepts behind subprocesses and pipes, and working with them in a Python context. If anybody could shed some light on these questions it would really help me out. Say I have a pipeline set up as follows createText.py | processText.py | cat processText.py is receiving data through stdin, but how i...

Unix : run 2 commands which take input from a pipe ?

Updated : Thanks for your answers. As I said, my q was just a translation of my usecase. Let me get into more details of what I want to achieve. In my dev env, we use "ade" as our version control system what I want to do is : ade describetrans | awk '/myapps/{ print $2 }' | sort -fr | xargs -iF ade unbranch F Now, every single ti...

Guaranteeing every line is received in full from multiple PIPEs (STDOUTs)

Hello, I asked the other day if data integrity (of flushed data) is kept even when there are more than one PIPEs streaming into localhost's STDIN. The answer is NO if the data flushed is large. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3445047/data-integrity-question-when-collecting-stdouts-from-multiple-remote-hosts-over-s But I would like t...

what's the hello world example for using pipe to share resources between processes in c++?

Can you list one? ...

How to send/receive data with complicated data structure via pipe?

HRESULT GrabberCB :: SampleCB ( double SampleTime , IMediaSample * pSample ) { How to send the pSample content via pipe? } I know how to send/receive string by WriteFile/ReadFile after reading this sample: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365592%28v=VS.85%29.aspx But how to send a pSample over? ...