
Why do processes spawned by cron end up defunct?

I have some processes showing up as <defunct> in top (and ps). I've boiled things down from the real scripts and programs. In my crontab: * * * * * /tmp/launcher.sh /tmp/tester.sh The contents of launcher.sh (which is of course marked executable): #!/bin/bash # the real script does a little argument processing here "$@" The conte...

init never reaping zombie/defunct processes

Hi, On my Fedora Core 9 webserver with kernel 2.6.18, init isn't reaping zombie processes. This would be bearable if it wasn't for the process table eventually reaching an upper limit where no new processes can be allocated. Sample output of ps -el | grep 'Z': F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TTY TIME CMD 5 Z ...

IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class?

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram... I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :( Any ideas? note Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me ...

How to detect defunct processes on Linux?

I have a parent and a child process written in C language. Somewhere in the parent process HUP signal is sent to the child. I want my parent process to detect if the child is dead. But when I send SIGHUP, the child process becomes a zombie. How can I detect if the child is a zombie in the parent process? I try the code below, but it does...

Kill a 10 minute old zombie process in linux bash script

I've been tinkering with a regex answer by yukondude with little success. I'm trying to kill processes that are older than 10 minutes. I already know what the process IDs are. I'm looping over an array every 10 min to see if any lingering procs are around and need to be killed. Anybody have any quick thoughts on this? Thanks, Steve ps ...

[NSCustomView isOpaque]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x123456

Hi all I receive that message in debugger console since I added the following arguments for debugging my application with XCode. NSZombieEnabled: YES NSZombieLevel: 16 I was looking for zombie objects... Before doing so, the application failed before I could know where what and why was happening.... Now I´m pretty sure that 'something...

How to run Esoteric Language ZOMBIE

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how can I compile and run a program written on ZOMBIE? For example, if I wrote the following source cord to print out “hello world” on to the screen, how can I make an .exe file out of it. Thanks! HelloWorld is a zombie summon task SayHello say "Hello World!" animate animate ...

What are Zombies and what causes them? Are there Zombie processes and Zombie objects?

I can find questions about zombies but none that directly addresses what they are and why and how they occur. There are a couple that address what zombie processes are in the context of answering a specific question but don't address the cause. There are also questions regarding zombie processes and questions about Objective-C/Cocoa-rel...

first process of python popen pipe can't be killed

I am using this code p1 = Popen(['rtmpdump'] + cmd_args.split(' '), stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(player_cmd.split(' '), stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE) p2.wait() # try to kill rtmpdump # FIXME: why is this not working ? try: p2.stdin.close() p1.stdout.close() p1.kill() except AttributeError: # if we use python 2.5 from sign...