
C# Lockbits for more exotic PixelFormats

I'm writing a performance critical class in C# for image manipulation. I'm using LockBits to gain access to the actual data directly and all is working well but I'd like to get more info on the memory signature of certain PixelFormats, most notably Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb. Anyone know a reliable website somewhere which list...

Format32bppPArgb images in .NET project resources

Is there a way to store images in the project resources as Format32bppPArgb pixelformat? I'm adding png images at the moment and they end up as Format32bppArgb format in the resources. (Visual Studio 2008, VB.NET, DotNET 2.0) Much obliged, David ...

Android PixelFormat per device

analogous to this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093594/opengl-extensions-available-on-different-android-devices I would like to collect the different PixelFormats the android devices use. To find out you must do the following: Parameters camParams = camera.getParameters(); int format = camParams.getPreviewFormat(); Now ...

OpenGL Pixel Format Attributes (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttibutes) explanation?

Hi, I am not new to OpenGL, but not an expert. Many tutorials teach how to draw, 3D, 2D, projections, orthogonal, etc, but How about setting a the view? (NSOpenGLView in Cocoa, Macs). For example I have this: - (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frame { GLuint attribs[] = { //PF: PixelAttibutes NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery, ...