
PostgreSQL procedural languages: to choose?

Hi again, I have been working with postgreSQL, playing around with wikipedia's millions of hyperlinks and such, for 2 years now. I either do my thing directly by sending SQL commands, or I write a client side script in python to manage a million queries when this cannot be done productively (efficiently and effectively) manually. I wo...

awstats Implementation

Hi I want to set up an awstats in my local server. I am using Xampp. My system is in windows 2000. What are the steps to do this? Also I got an error message "Error: You must change value of constant KEYFORMD5 in script.” What is this? When I implement this, but I know I am in wrong path. Does any one help me? ...

how to call pl/sql function from

Hi... I have created a function in oracle as shown below: I need to call it from my page... How can i do so? create or replace function fun_GeneratePaper(strDisciplineId IN CHAR, iNoOfQuestions IN integer) return sys_refcursor as r1 sys_refcursor; begin open r1 for select getguid() tmp, QuestionNo,QuestionText, ...

How do you insert a line break into a DB2 SQL PL VARCHAR variable?

It seems like this should be tremendously easy, but I've had no luck thus far. ...

preg replace in CGI, PL

I want to do preg replace in CGI. I have a string with URL like "". I want to write a script which will replace "/data/example.cgi" from above url to "/example.php" ...