
Tips for implementing a 'Please wait' control for a Flex application

What would be a clever way to make a 'please wait' control for a Flex application for long running operations like calling a webservice. I am not asking about the graphical portion of it - just the 'controller' part. How should I trigger it and hide it. I am planning to make just a simple canvas with text in. For instance : can I som...

WPF Namespace question - Process?

Trying to get this example working from However, I can't seem to get the namespace or syntax right for "Process" below. <Border x:Name="panelDialog" Visibility="Collapsed"> <Grid> <Border Background="Black" Opacity="0.49"></Border> <!--While Xmal Content...

Dojo "loading"-message

I'm new to Dojo, so I need a little help. Some of my links takes a while (when the user clicks, it takes several seconds before the page starts loading), and I'd like to add a "loading"-message. I can do it the "old fashion way", but I want to learn the new, easier, smarter Dojo-way. Exactly how it works is not important right now, bu...

Displaying a "Please Wait" Dialog for a Non-Thread Safe task.

I am using 3rd party library and some of the functions of the library take a long time to execute so I want to display a "Please Wait" dialog while the functions are busy. Normally I would do something like this: Thread longTask = new Thread (new ThreadStart(LongTask)); longTask.IsBackgroud = true; longTask.Start(); pleaseWaitForm = n...

jQuery "Please Waiting, Loading..." animation?

I would like to place a "please wait, loading" spinning circle animation on my site. I'm having trouble to find a plugin for it, so here I am asking a weird question :) Thank you for your help. ...

Showing 'Please wait' message, not when there is an error in the validation

I have a form which is sent to an email address when user clicks Send. The form is validated first. I want to show 'Please wait' text to the user when he clicks the button. Now 'Please wait' text shows fine if the form fields are valid and the form is sent normally. But if there is an error in the form fields the 'Please wait' text still...

How to create a Loading Window?

Ok, in my app there are times when loading the DataGridView can take a minute or two. What I want to do is show a GIF in a form with no border until it reaches the end of the loading function. However, if I do: Views.Loading ldw = new Views.Loading(); ldw.Show(); ... ldw.Close(); never actually draws it to the screen and I ca...

WPF 'Please Wait' animation using background workers - is this possible.

Hi, Recently our WPF/Entity Framework 4.0 application has become unstable after we began using backgroundworkers in order to load data from the entity. We were doing so in order to have a 'Please Wait'-spinner graphic running while the BG worker retrieved data from the database, but we began experiencing numerous EF-related connection i...