
PL-SQL: getting column data types out of query results

Trying to make a generic PL/SQL procedure to export data in specific XML format, e.g. Excel XML. Let's say the procedure accepts a string with the SELECT query to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. This requires access to data types of each column of the resulting rowset, which -- seeing as the procedure is to be generic -- is only known after the que...

Dynamically add where clauses to a cursor in oracle

I have plsql procedure which accepts certain parameters e.g. v_name, v_country, v_type. I wish to have a cursor with a select statement like this: select column from table1 t1, table2 t2 where = v_name and = v_country and = and t2.type = v_type If certain parameters are empty can I only add the relevant...

How to create a lst file in SQL?

Hi, I want to create a lst file from a sql script Here is my code: BEGIN DECLARE loc_bia_foracid GAM.foracid%TYPE; loc_fba_foracid GAM.foracid%TYPE; out_spool VARCHAR2(32000); BEGIN loc_bia_foracid:= '&loc_bia_foracid'; loc_fba_foracid:= '&loc_fba_foracid'; out_spool := out_spool || '|' || loc_bia_foracid; out_spool := out_spool || '...

how do i divide a sql variable into 2

hi i have a field in sql named as address which is of 80 char. i want to put this field into 2 fields addr1 and addr2 of 40 char each. how do i do it. ...

how do we call a c function from an sql script

Hi, how do we call a C function from an SQL script? int get_next_fbill_b2kId_seq_num(b2kIdType seq_val,bankIdPtrType bank_id) { validate_dc_alias(dcAlias); tbaDateType sysDate; tbaGetSystemDateTime(sysDate,NULL,NULL); /* returns in TBA date format */ sysDate[10] = EOS; get_seq_value(next_num_char, 0, FBILL_B2KID_SR...

Identify a table with maximum rows in Oracle

I have a set of tables in Oracle and I would like to identify the table that contains the maximum number of rows. So if, A has 200 rows, B has 345 rows and C has 120 rows I want to be able to identify table B. Is there a simple query I can run to achieve this? Edit: There are 100 + tables so I am looking for something generic. ...

How do I trim date in PLSQL?

I have a date variable as 24-dec-08 I want only the 08 component from it. How do I do it in a select statement? e.g.: select db||sysdate (this is the component where I want only 08 from the date) from gct; How do i do it? ...

A useful example of when to use vsize function instead of length function in Oracle?

It seems vsize() and length() return the same results. Does anyone know of a practical example of when to use vsize instead of length? select vsize(object_name), length(object_name) from user_objects Result: /468ba408_LDAPHelper 20 20 /de807749_LDAPHelper 20 20 A4201_A4201_UK 14 14 A4201_PGM_FK_I 14 14 A4201_PHC_FK_I 14 14 ...

Insufficient privileges when creating a trigger for a table in another schema

When I try to create a trigger in schema A for a table located in schema B, I get an ora error : insufficient privileges. What privileges do I need? ...

pl/sql REPLACE() function isn't handling carriage-returns & line-feeds

We've a table with a varchar2(100) column, that occasionally contains carriage-return & line-feeds. We should like to remove those characters in the SQL query. We're using .. REPLACE( col_name, CHR(10) ) .. which has no effect, however replacing 'CHR(10)' for a more conventional 'letter' character proves that the REPLACE function work...

Session based global variable in Postgresql stored procedure?

In Oracle's PL/SQL I can create a session based global variable with the package definition. With Postgresql's PLpg/SQL, it doesn't seem possible since there are no packages, only independent procedures and functions. Here is the syntax for PL/SQL to declare g_spool_key as a global... CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE tox IS g_spool_key ...

Package creation issues using SQL Developer

So I've never worked with stored procedures and have not a whole lot of DB experience in general and I've been assigned a task that requires I create a package and I'm stuck. Using SQL Developer, I'm trying to create a package called JUMPTO with this code... create or replace package JUMPTO is type t_locations is ref cursor; proc...

Are there alternative methods for saying 'next' in a pl/sql for loop?

So I've got a for loop that processes a list of IDs and has some fairly complex things to do. Without going into all the ugly details, basically this: DECLARE l_selected APEX_APPLICATION_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2; ...snip... BEGIN -- get the list ids l_selected := APEX_UTIL.STRING_TO_TABLE(:P4_SELECT_LIST); ...

What simple guidelines would you give your developers for writing good SQL against Oracle?

I work in a group of about 25 developers. I'm responsible for coming up with the database design (tables, views, etc) and am called apon for performance tuning when necessary. There are a couple of different applications that connect. Database access is via JDBC, hibernate, and iBatis SQL maps. Developers with various levels of exper...

How to catch a unique constraint error in a PL/SQL block?

Say I have an Oracle PL/SQL block that inserts a record into a table and need to recover from a unique constraint error, like this: begin insert into some_table ('some', 'values'); exception when ... update some_table set value = 'values' where key = 'some'; end; Is it possible to replace the ellipsis for something in ...

Can't identify problem with PL/SQL

The following PL/SQL will not execute and simply returns 'Invalid Argument' as an error. I've gone as far as commenting out eavery line one by one and I can vary the error I receive but I cannot get the proc to run as I cannot identify where the error lies and it may well lie in permissions or the executing user but any help will be re...

Is it possible to parameterize a query inside pl sql?

The stored procedures being written here currently concats the parameters to the queries: 'Select * From Names Where Name = ' || prmName || ' Order By ' || prmSortField Is it possible to parameterize this query inside the stored procedure? Possibly like: query = 'select * From Names Where Name = @name Order By ' || prmSortField call(...

How to retrieve XML into Oracle PL/SQL via an HTTP Post transaction?

I'm trying to implement the "blog this" function from Flickr using the BloggerAPI to my pl/sql based CMS. When Flickr sends me the posting transaction, the HTTP transaction looks like this: POST /pls/website/!pkg.procAPI HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: */* User-Agent: Flickr Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length:...

Is there a method in PL/SQL to convert/encode text to XML compliant text?

Background: I have a collegue who needs to convert text from a PL/SQL method into XML compliant text, as he is constructing a excel spreadsheet by updating a text template. ...

Better way to structure a PL/SQL IF THEN statement ?

Just wondering if there is a better way to write the following PL/SQL piece of code in ORACLE ? IF(p_c_courtesies_cd is not null OR p_c_language_cd is not null OR v_c_name is not null OR v_c_firstname is not null OR v_c_function is not null OR p_c_phone is not null OR p_c_mobile is not null OR p_c_fax is not null OR v_c_email is not n...