
What the performance impact of enabling WebSphere PMI

I am currently looking at some JProfiler traces from our WebSphere-based application, and am noticing that a significant amount of CPU time is being spent in the class I am guessing, but I am wondering whether this is PMI-related (and we do have this enabled). My knowledge of PMI is li...

Pmi Client is not created while using with sun java instead of IBM java

Hi!! My task to monitor the IBM Websphere through pmi client.Pmi client is an agent provided by the IBM to get MBeans and is running under IBM Java. I tried it to run under Sun java. But, it fails to create the Pmiclient. Did Anyone come across this issue? ...

PMI counters aggregation alghoritm

Hello The question is regarding logic that is hidden behind word "aggregate" in PMI documentation. From IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Writing PMI applications using the JMX interface " A module can have sub-modules and each module/sub-module will have related performance data (that is, metric or counter). For instance, th...