
ACE vs Boost vs Poco vs wxWidgets

I have a considerable amount of experience with ACE, Boost and wxWidgets. I have recently found the POCO libraries. Does anyone have any experience with them and how they compare to ACE, Boost and wxWidgets with regard to performance and reliability? I am particularly interested in replacing ACE with POCO. I have been unable to get A...

Entity Framework + POCO

I am building a WPF application using the MVVM pattern. Our stack looks like this: SQL Server 2008 -> Entity Framework We use StructureMap for dependency injection to inject our DataFactory which essentially does the CRUD for our POCO business objects. The ViewModels use the DataFactory for CRUD and the xaml is data bound to the prop...

Generic container for exposing POCO instances to other AppDomains - how does it work?

I'm intrigued by this answer from another SO thread, and I was hoping someone can help me shine some light on the concept. Say I have a primary AppDomain and a bunch of child AppDomains, that are created and initialized by the primary AppDomain. In pseudo code: Primary AppDomain: class Parent { public void InitChildren(IList<Child...

How to resolve this bad_alloc problem?

Hello, I'm developing an application that needs to interact over FTP. For this communication I am currently using C++, Visual Studio and Poco on Windows. The following line results in a bad_alloc exception... ftp = new FTPClientSession("", 21); So I went down and tried initializing a StreamSocket first, also fails... Stream...

POCO vs DTO: Is it ok to partially hydrate a domain object?

Its often a requirement to have a domain object displayed in various ways on the UI; lists, search results, view and edit pages, as well as in headers, footers and popups. Typically you have several different "views" of the domain object, each with different fields displayed. Most advice seems to be to use a DTO to get the data when you...

POCO's, DTO's, DLL's and Anaemic Domain Models...

I was looking at the differences between POCO and DTO (It appears that POCO's are dto's with behaviour (methods?))and came across this article by Martin Fowler on the anaemic domain model. Through lack of understanding, I think I have created one of these anaemic domain models. In one of my applications I have my business domain entit...

Does anyone use POCO Adapter for Entity Framework in production?

Reading about the lack of persistence ignorance in Entity Framework I often stumble upon POCO Adapter. The question is, does anyone use it in production, how does it go and what are the pitfalls? I consider two alternatives for the application design: use POCOs with that adapter in business logic and make the presentation layer use them...

What is POCO?

I have seem many articles about POCO. What is this? ...

How to Unit Test POCO's? Or shouldn't they be tested?

Hey there, I want that my unit tests to cover my POCO's. How should I test them? What If I add a new property? How to make my test fail? Testing the properties and methods I know, but the problem is, how to make sure my tests fail is anything is added to my poco's. Cordially, ...

Entity Updating strategy

There is some discussion on my team about updating entity data and how best to approach it. This is a security framework and so here are some of the constraints and ideas. every table in DB has a PK that is a guid, this is required for our multi-node clustering solution. The idea is that we don't want to expose this on an entity to a ...

Linq To SQL : Modeling Associations

I have three tables Projects, Users and ProjectMembers. The ProjectMembers table is a mapping table and has only two columns ProjectId and UserId. In my object model i have two classes Project and User. The Project class has a property IEnumerable<User> Members I am using an external xml map file for mapping linq to sql associations. I...

Manually written business objects or using DAL objects?

Suppose you have three tiers (with namespaces): User interface (App.UI) - calls business layer processes and communicates using objects Business layer (App.Core) - orchestrates processes and uses DAL layer using objects DAL (App.Data) - directly manipulates store and persists objects Let's say that you have User table and thus reflec...

LinqToSql and Stored Procedure question

Hi folks, I have a stored procedure that returns a number of fields, pew row. Is there anyway i can define the class which the stored procedure 'goes into', instead of it using the auto-generated class? The class i want the results to populate is a POCO, not another LinqToSql table. Is this possible? i'm assuming that the poco class p...

XML Schema Definition Tool not generating SchemaLocation

Does the xsd.exe tool provided with Visual Studio generate the SchemaLocation attribute (in the xs:import) when generating XSDs from plain old C# objects? I am finding that my XSDs that were generated are not valid because the xs:import will import a namespace and not provide the relative schemalocation value prompting the below Imp...

ACE vs Boost vs POCO

I have been working with the Boost libraries for quite some time. I absolutely love boost asio library for network programming. However I was introduced to two other libraries: POCO and ACE framework. I would like to know the good and bad of each. ...

Serializing POCO Excluding Class Members

I wish to make a POCO [Serializable] but not any other class members in its class hierarchy tree. I know there is [NonSerialized] which works only for fields, but is there any way to exclude them or choose specific members using [Serializable] on the POCO? ...

Using XAML + designer to edit Plain Old CLR Objects?

I want to write a POCO in XAML, and use a DataTemplate to display that object in the GUI at runtime. So far, so good; I know how to do all that. Since I'll already have a DataTemplate that can transform my POCO into a WPF visual tree, is there any way to get the Visual Studio designer to play along, and have the Design View show me the ...

Persistence Object Naming Convention

I have some POCOs and there are corresponding persistence objects that do the CRUD. What is a good name for the persistence objects? I've seen people use the term "service objects" for these, but when I think service, I think WCF. Maybe "persistence objects" is the best, but I'd like to hear what other people think. ...

Selecting particlar fields with EF4.0

First of all there is error message: The entity or complex type 'AdventuresWorks.ProductSubcategory' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query. Here is mu POCO class: public class ProductSubcategory { public Int32 ProductSubcategoryID { get; set; } public Int32 ProductCategoryId { get; set; } p...

prefixing DTO / POCOS - naming conventions?

Hi there, simple question really, i was wanting to know what naming conventions anybody puts on there DTO / POCOS .... I didn't really want to prefix like hungarian notation.. i got away from that!. But my dtos naming are clashing with my actual returned object names and although they are in a different namespace its still a bit con...