
Is it possible to use both automapping and schema generation with Fluent NHibernate?

I'm using the following: Fluently.Configure() .Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.ConnectionString(connectionString)) .Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Incident>() .Where(t => t.Namespace.StartsWith("EDA.DomainModel.POCO")))) .ExposeConfiguration(BuildSchema) .BuildSessionFac...

Is there an ORM tool for C# that can 'black box' the database?

I have a bunch of POCO's that I created that I want to create a persistent layer for. Thing is, I really don't care how the data is stored in SQL Server, I just want it to be stored. In other words, I want to tell the ORM tool, "Here's some POCO classes, save them." and not have to do anything beyond that. Is there any ORM tool for C# th...

What's the best way to fill POCOs with dummy data?

I have a bunch of POCOs that all relate to each other in a big tree. For example, this is the top-level element: public class Incident : Entity<Incident> { public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual DateTime Date { get; set; } public virtual IEnumerable<Site> Sites { get; set; } public Incident() { ...

Is there an error in POCO C++ library documentation?

Here is the confusing page. Search for "/bin/ps". The line is: ProcessHandle ph(launch("/bin/ps", args, &outPipe, 0, 0)); Shouldnt it be: ProcessHandle ph(launch("/bin/ps", args, 0, &outPipe, 0)); ? ...

What's the right way to Load child collections inside a POCO with a SubSonic Repository?

I've read the questions asking about the right way to inject data access into POCOs, and the consensus seems to be "don't". Fine, what is the right way then? If I have an Order object, and I want a list of the OrderLines, I don't want to explicitly assign that list to the POCO externally, that's horribly ugly. So if I can't use DI to giv...

business object, on the wire object and calculator - which is best

i see this pattern over and over again and wanted to get opinions: Option 1: On the wire object and Business object composition: On the wire object - the data that is serialized and sent back and forth across machines (client / server, etc). This is a POCO object. For example: public class Order { public int Price; publi...

C# Advanced XML Serializer that doesn't require domain object pollution

Are there any closed or open source projects for a XML serializer for C# that can serialize for the most part any object without the need to pollute my domain objects with tons of attributes? That will also handle serialization of collections built with the internal generics classes? A bonus would be that it can handle serializing an int...

What can I use POCO for?

I have read some articles on POCO in the enttity framework but still don't understand what I can use it for. How can POCO benefit my projects? ...

How do I compare the fields/properties between POCOs?

Let's say I have a POCO: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public IList<Person> Relatives { get; set; } } I want to compare two instances of Person to see if they're equal to each other. Naturally, I would compare Name, DateOfBirth, and the Relatives collection...

ORM/Persistence layer Advice

Hi all I'm starting a new project and I'm looking around for either a very good ORM or for a non-SQL-based persistence layer. For this project, I really don't care on how the data is persisted, as long as it can be queried and stored with a reasonable speed and most importantly with simple queries. Concurrency should be handled seamlessl...

Should POCOs be derived from DTOs or better not?

Hi, When creating an n-tier solution, I don't want to expose my business objects, but use DTO's instead of this. On the other side, I don't want to doubly define objects and write copy-code all the time. Now my idea would be to write DTOs that contain all necessary fields and properties, but no logic (only state). Then I would derive ...

How to statically link using link.exe

I've been trying to statically link against a C++ library called Poco on Windows using the Visual Studio 2008 command line tools. I build my program with: cl /I..\poco\lib /c myapp.cpp link /libpath:..\poco\lib myapp.obj PocoNet.lib This results in an exe that at runtime requires PocoNet.dll and PocoFoundation.dll. I spent some time...

Exclude a field/property from the database with Entity Framework 4 & Code Only

I will like to know that is there a way to exclude some fields from the database? For eg: public class Employee { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string FatherName { get; set; } public bool IsMale { get; set; } public bool IsMarried { get; set; } public string AddressAs { get...

How do I convert an object from Reflection to a generic collection?

I'm trying to write a Compare method to compare properties in some POCOs using Reflection to ensure that they've been persisted to the database correctly. For example, let's say I have this POCO: public class NoahsArk { public string Owner { get; set; } public ICollection<Animal> Animals { get; set; } } What I want to do is th...

Link errors on Snow Leopard

I creating a small desktop application using Qt and Poco on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Qt works fine, but once I started linking with Poco I get the following warning: ld: warning: in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/local/lib/libPocoFoundation.8.dylib, file is not of required architecture Also when I link against the 10.5 SDK: ld: wa...

Subsonic map POCO to table of a different name

I started a small project and wanted to use Subsonic's SimpleRepository for my database layer. If I have table in my database called Member and I want to create a POCO called TeamMember. Can I map class TeamMember to table Member via an attribute or some other method? It is possible that what I'm asking is not how the SimpleRepositor...

How do I extract this LinqToSql data into a POCO object?

Hi folks, with my Repository classes, I use LinqToSql to retrieve the data from the repository (eg. Sql Server 2008, in my example). I place the result data into a POCO object. Works great :) Now, if my POCO object has a child property, (which is another POCO object or an IList), i'm trying to figure out a way to populate that data. I'...

Is using a table inheritance a valid way to avoid using a join table?

I've been following a mostly DDD methodology for this project, so, like any DDD'er, I created my domain model classes first. My intention is to use these POCO's as my LINQ-to-SQL entities (yes, they're not pure POCO's, but I'm ok with that). I've started creating the database schema and external mapping XML file, but I'm running into som...

Question about mutexes and locks

Are the two code samples below equivalent? Poco::ProcessHandle::PID ProcessRunner::processId() const { Poco::ProcessHandle::PID pid = 0; mMutex.lock(); pid = mPID; mMutex.unlock(); return pid; } , Poco::ProcessHandle::PID ProcessRunner::processId() const { Poco::ScopedLock<Poco::Mutex> lock(mMutex); return...

NHibernate POCO / Basics

I've formerly used L2S and am looking at using NHib along with the Sharp Architecture on a project. I've started prototyping and come up against the first issue which i have no idea how to google for. Given a POCO with some simple properties, and one reference property (Category - class not shown here): public class Post { public Pos...