
How can I override a class in J2ME Polish binaries?

I am using a UI component from J2ME Polish. I found a simple bug in the code, and want to quickly fix it but cannot find any build scripts in the download package, although source-code is included. The problem cannot be solved by extending the class as it involves members with private access. How should I go about fixing it? Should I...

Setting Midlet Icon using J2ME-Polish

I'm using J2ME Polish version 2.0.7 together with ant to build my Midlet application. In order to specifcy the main-class, name and icon of the application, the J2ME Polish documentation suggests that I use the midlet element inside the build element. <build usePolishGui="false" > <midlet name="My Killer App." icon="/logo.png" clas...

Form Class in J2ME Polish

I was just wondering if the Form Class in the J2ME polish api for GUI development maintains a list of references to the Items that are appended to it. The Form that I am using has a number of text fields appended to it using the following code. form.append(new TextField(...)) and then all this goes into a for loop. How do I refer to t...

J2me Polish integration problem with Eclipse as plugin.

Hi, I am trying to integrate the j2me polish into the Eclipse IDE as plugin. I have followed all the instructions given into the j2me polish site: http://www.j2mepolish.org/cms/leftsection/documentation/installation/ide-integration/eclips/installation.html But i cant see any j2me polish updates into my eclipse. In Windows->preference...

j2me polish installing problem with eclipse IDE

Hello I want to integrate j2me polish plug-in with eclipse IDE. i run j2mepolish-2.1.2.jar and follow the procedure but in window->preference i does not get J2ME polish option and in new->project not get option j2me polish option. can any one answer, why i get this problem and how to integrate j2me polish success fully with eclipse....

Debugging in J2ME Polish

Hello i am new with J2ME polish Can any one tells that how to debug the J2ME polish MIDlet and how can i show the loges which are generated. Regards Dhaiwat ...

Natural language grammar and user-entered names

Some languages, particularly Slavic languages, change the endings of people's names according to the grammatical context. (For those of you who know grammar or studied languages that do this to words, such as German or Russian, and to help with search keywords, I'm talking about noun declension.) This is probably easiest with a set of e...

Removing diacritics in Polish

Hi. I'm trying to remove diacritic characters from a pangram in Polish. I'm using code from Michael Kaplan's blog http://blogs.msdn.com/b/michkap/archive/2007/05/14/2629747.aspx, however, with no success. Consider following pangram: "Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig.". Everything works fine but for letter "ł", I still get "ł". ...