
Populating AutoCompleteTextView with contacts

Hi , I want to populate the AutoCompleteTextView with contacts.I have tried the one present in ApI Demos but its not cumg.So,Plz help me out..Thnx in ADV.. ...

Most efficient way to populate array from database values?

If I wanted to get a list of product_ids with a certain brand. I would do this: $id_list = array(); $qry = 'SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE product_brand = :brand'; $STH = $this->pdo->prepare($qry); $STH->execute(array("brand" => $brand)); $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($row = $STH->fetch()) { $id_list[] = $row['p...

Does rake db:populate work in Rails 3?

I'm having huge problems with my populate.rake file - after importing my existing file from my Rails 2.3.5 installation, Rails 3 wants nothing to do with it. I'm getting tens (if not hundreds) of errors in my console, many of them for simple statements, and some even in the middle of a string of plaintext. Has the syntax changed for Rai...

Zend Framework: Populating DB data to a Zend Form dropdown element

Hi I have the following form: <?php class Application_Form_RegistrationForm extends Zend_Form{ public function init(){ $country = $this->createElement('select', 'country'); $country->setLabel('country: ') ->setRequired(true); $email = $this->createElement('text', 'email_address'); ...

Auto populate city textfield by entering zip and vice versa

Hi guys, I've seen that this question has been posted a couple of times but nothing specific enough for me to use. I have a form (In a .php file), with a Zipcode and City textfield. I also have a seperate database which holds all zipcodes and cities for my country. (Zipcode in column 1 and city in column 2) What i would like is that ...

Django- populating an "update/edit" form with an autofield and foreignkey

Hello- I'm new to Django and I'm creating an app to create and display employee data for my company. Currently the model, new employee form, employee table display, login/logout, all works. I am working on editing the current listings. I have hover on row links to pass the pk (employeeid) over the url and the form is populating correctl...

How to know when an Android ListView is done being populated

I have a child Activity that contains a ListView. This Activity is populated asynchronously from a SQLite cursor. The list items contain a TextView, a RadioButton, and a normal Button. The XML is shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/rlCategoryListItemLayout" xmlns:android="http://schemas.a...