Populating AutoCompleteTextView with contacts
Hi , I want to populate the AutoCompleteTextView with contacts.I have tried the one present in ApI Demos but its not cumg.So,Plz help me out..Thnx in ADV.. ...
Hi , I want to populate the AutoCompleteTextView with contacts.I have tried the one present in ApI Demos but its not cumg.So,Plz help me out..Thnx in ADV.. ...
If I wanted to get a list of product_ids with a certain brand. I would do this: $id_list = array(); $qry = 'SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE product_brand = :brand'; $STH = $this->pdo->prepare($qry); $STH->execute(array("brand" => $brand)); $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($row = $STH->fetch()) { $id_list[] = $row['p...
I'm having huge problems with my populate.rake file - after importing my existing file from my Rails 2.3.5 installation, Rails 3 wants nothing to do with it. I'm getting tens (if not hundreds) of errors in my console, many of them for simple statements, and some even in the middle of a string of plaintext. Has the syntax changed for Rai...
Hi I have the following form: <?php class Application_Form_RegistrationForm extends Zend_Form{ public function init(){ $country = $this->createElement('select', 'country'); $country->setLabel('country: ') ->setRequired(true); $email = $this->createElement('text', 'email_address'); ...
Hi guys, I've seen that this question has been posted a couple of times but nothing specific enough for me to use. I have a form (In a .php file), with a Zipcode and City textfield. I also have a seperate database which holds all zipcodes and cities for my country. (Zipcode in column 1 and city in column 2) What i would like is that ...
Hello- I'm new to Django and I'm creating an app to create and display employee data for my company. Currently the model, new employee form, employee table display, login/logout, all works. I am working on editing the current listings. I have hover on row links to pass the pk (employeeid) over the url and the form is populating correctl...
I have a child Activity that contains a ListView. This Activity is populated asynchronously from a SQLite cursor. The list items contain a TextView, a RadioButton, and a normal Button. The XML is shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/rlCategoryListItemLayout" xmlns:android="http://schemas.a...