
Javascript popup different size in different browsers?

How come this pop-up gets a size other than what I have specified, when testing it in IE6 and FireFox 3.6? Firefox displays it correctly but IE6 is smaller for some reason. (620x530 instead) How can I fix it? <A id="myID" onclick="window.open('/sitecollectiondocuments/myPage.htm',&#13;&#10;'welcome','width=630,height=590')" href="javasc...

Java Swing popup visibility

Why a popup created like this is shown in front of all windows applications with JRE 1.6.0_18 but it doesn't using 1.6.0_03 ? PopupFactory popupFactory = new PopupFactory(); Popup popup= popupFactory.getPopup(null,new JPanel(),200,200); popup.show(); ...

In Google Chrome, how do I bring an existing popup window to the front using javascript from the parent window?

I would like to have a button on a web page with the following behavior: On the first click, open a pop-up. On later clicks, if the pop-up is still open, just bring it to the front. If not, re-open. The below code works in Firefox (Mac & Windows), Safari (Mac & Windows), and IE8. (I have not yet tested IE6 or IE7.) However, in Goo...

In Firefox, how do I bring an existing popup window with multiple tabs to the front using javascript from the parent window?

I would like to have a button on a web page with the following behavior: On the first click, open a pop-up. On later clicks, if the pop-up is still open, just bring it to the front. If not, re-open. The below code generally works in Firefox, Safari, and IE8 (see here for Chrome woes). However, I have found a failure mode in Firefox...

centerPopUp centers the popUp but with delay

did someone else encounter this problem? I use the methods PopUpManager.createPopUp() and PopUpManager.centerPopUp() to create and center a pop up window but it looks strange, like the window is created at (0,0) and then reappears in the middle of the screen. how do I fix this? ...

Is there a way to determine if a <select> dropdown menu is open?

I'm looking for a way to determine if/when a <select> element's menu is open. I don't need to force it to open or close, just figure out if it's open or closed at a given time. I can listen to events for focus/blur, mouseup/mousedown, etc., but I don't think I can reliably figure out the state of the menu from those events. For example,...

.NET: How to place my window near the notification area (systray)?

I'd like to display a little popup window next to the notification area. It's similar to what Outlook/Skype/Live! Messenger/etc does when it displays the notification about a new message. In my case it will have some input controls (textbox, datetimepicker, buttons...) so a simple bubble won't do. The trick is doing this correctly when ...

Capturing the length scrolled up or down silverlight

I have a Usercontrol which has small image. Clicking on the image gives a popup. When the page is little bit scrolled up or down and then clicked on the image The position of popup is changed. Can I find the length of scroll so that i will be able to add or subtract it from popup's position? ...

How do I change the window that appears when I insert my pen drive?

Basically all that has to be said has been said in the title. How do I make a window other than the default one pop up when I insert my pen drive into my PC? Can it come from a program in the USB itself as well? Not doing any actual coding yet. Btw- if that default window with al the options has a special name plz tell me. Just so I can ...

Using SimpleModal (jQuery plugin) to display a popup iFrame without unnecessary scrollbars

I'm using SimpleModal: http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/ And displaying an iframe, as per the example: // Display an external page using an iframe var src = "http://365.ericmmartin.com/"; $.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" height="450" width="830" style="border:0">', { closeHTML:"", containerCss:{ backgr...

How to handle a webview dialog popup?

I'm displaying a webpage in a WebView and on the webpage, there is a button. When you click the button, a confirmation dialog is supposed to popup, but it doesn't show in my WebView. It does popup if I go to the same webpage in the android browser. Anyone know how to handle popup dialogs coming from a webpage inside your WebView? bro...

How to Open Multiple PopUp windows with JQuery on form submission (popUps should be relative to form submited data)?

I have A HTML form like this: <form> <fieldset class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"> <select id="Streams" class="multiselect ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" multiple="multiple" name="Streams[]"> <option value="35"> Example Name (35)</option> <option value="44"> Example Name (44)</option> <option value="5698"> Example...

Notification when popup is closed using Silverlight's HtmlPage.PopupWindow()

I am popping up an HTML page from a Silverlight application using the HtmlPage.PopupWindow() method. I am trying to handle the event of when the popup window is closed from within Silverlight. This is how I am attempting to do this: var window = HtmlPage.PopupWindow(new Uri("http://mypopup..."), "popup", options); EventHandler<HtmlEv...

Watir: Need to double click on an element to open custom popup

Hello, I am a newbie in WATIR. The problem I am facing is - The application I am testing has thumbnails (like Windows icons) placed on the page and I need to double click it. On doing that, an custom popup (ajax popup implemented in javascript) will open. The fire_event("ondblclick") is not working for me. I also tried 'click' twice bu...

ASP.net Pop up Alert without page load

Hi, In ASP.NET --> I want to popup an alert window in the case of an event. I don't have a button, i do not load the page at that event. When I searched i got a lot of java script examples but I can't use them as they work either on a button click or on page load. I just want a pop window to come as soon as I capture a particular event...

How Do I Use jQuery/JavaScript To Open A Popup Window/Tab (ASPX Login Page) & Then Pass Values To Opened Window/Tab On DOM Ready Event of Said Window/Tab.

Hi All, We currently have two asp.net 2.x web applications and we need to perform the following functionality: From one application, we want to auto-login to the other web application automatically in a new tab; using the same browser instance/window. So the process is: Open New Window/Tab With Second System URL/Login Page Wait For P...

How to open a Browser popUp window from Actionscript ( Flash )?

How to open a Browser popUp window from Actionscript ( Flash )? ( Any Code sample would be wary appreciated ) ...

FLEX: How to know when a dialog created throw PopUpManager Closes

Is there a easy way to figure out consistently when a Dialog closes that has been created through PopUpManager. I would have suspected some type of message or callback mechanism, but there does not seem to be. In one case I use the WindowTitle component and event that only fires the CLOSE if someone presses the close and give no messag...

Twitter oauth authorization in a pop-up instead of in main browser window

I feel incredibly stupid for even asking this since the answer might already be under my nose but here it goes: TweetMeme has a Re-tweet twitter widget that publishers can place on their blogs. When a user clicks on the widget, it pops open a window which allows the user to authenticate themselves with twitter and then re-tweet. This ...

In QT 4.6 w/ Webkit: How to handle popup window requests (WebView::createWindow)?

Hi all, I'm new to QT and have been trying to create a test browser. What I'm trying to do now is to handle js-based popup requests. After reading the QT documentation, I learned that I need to re-implement the QWebView::createWindow method to do just that. Now I've re-implemented this method, but it seems to be not called when I try t...