
Post Build Events Customization In Visual Studio

Hi Is there a way to customize the post build event macros, I would like to move the new assembly to a sub folder in the same directory named by the version of the assembly i.e. copy $(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName) $(TargetDir)$(ASSEMBLYVERSION)\$(TargetFileName) However there is no such 'macro'. Sort of building a executable to get ver...

Post Build exited with code 1

I have project with a post build event: copy $(ProjectDir)DbVerse\Lunaverse.DbVerse.*.exe $(TargetDir) I works fine every time on my machine. I have a new developer who always gets the "exited with code 1" error. I had her run the same command in at a DOS prompt, and it worked fine. What could be causing this? Is there any way to...

Deploying a VS Web Application with files built in post-build

In our VS Web Application project, we have a post-build task that concatenates and minifies our JavaScript files into a single file name "OurApplication-.js" (where is the version of the website assembly). Since it is built automatically and has a frequently changing name, it is not part of the project or in source control. So far we ...

Questions about .NET and Xenocode Postbuild

Referring to this topic (and accepted answer). Isn't .NET Windows only (except for emulators)? How will using Xenocode Postbuild affect the portability of the application? Will compiling my application using Xenocode Postbuild affect the size/speed of it? Which way? Generally: What are the differences/advantages/disadvantages of the VS...

How to exclude Post Build Jobs using MSBuild & Cruise Control.

We have a Library Project that we use for all our central reused code called "CentralLibs.dll" This library gets GAC'd on all our servers during deployment so to make things handier for the DEVs when they're working locally, theres a post-build event that auto updates their local GAC with the new DLL post build. cd $(ProjectDir)\bin\De...

Post build testing with omake

Is there any way to add a post build command to an omakefile? I want it to automatically run unit tests everytime a build is successful, but am not sure of the best way to do this. ...

Create SxS manifest from managed COM assemblies

Hi, I have a C# dll that implements COM. Is there a way to configure the project to create the SxS manifest for this dll (exposing COM information) and embed it into resources. As I understand, running the mt tool as post-build step could be an option. But there are 2 problems: 1. manifest created with mt does not expose the Prog_ID 2. ...

How can I invoke the post-build script without a build!

Hi there, does anyone know how I can have the post build action execute without doing a build? There are loads of xcopy commands and it would be nice to use them on their own... but you cannot put them into a separate cmd file because of all the VS macros. thanks Kris ...

Spaces and backslashes in Visual Studio build events

I have an application that is supposed to aid my project in terms of pre- and post-build event handling. I'm using ndesk.options for command line argument parsing. Which gave me weird results when my project path contains spaces. I thought this was the fault of ndesk.options but I guess my own application is to blame. I call my applicati...

How can I pass a Visual Studio project's assembly version to another project for use in a post-build event?

I have a solution with 2 projects: My Application 1.2.54 (C# WinForms) My Application Setup (WiX Setup) I would like to add a post-build event to the WiX Setup project to run a batch file and pass it a command line parameter of My Application's assembly version number. The code may look something like this: CALL MyBatchFile....

Automated Visual Studio Source Changes on Build (Update DBML etc.)

Every time I rebuild by DBML, I have to adjust settings for auto generated value etc. for individual fields. Is there a built-in tool which I could use to automate my changes in the DBML when I build? I'm using Visual Studio 2008. ...

How can i update my postbuild file??

Hii, I want to synchronize my postbuild file with the source file, like if any source file will deleted or removed then it will automatically get to know about. So, it will not show me any error or need to recreate postbuild file again.. If anyone use the xenocode Postbuild Add-on for visual studio. This will automatically create the ...

"Attach to Process" as a post-build event

I have an application that runs hosted under the "w3wp.exe" process. While debugging, I often find myself following these steps: 1 - Make some change 2 - Build the project 3 - Attach to "w3wp.exe" using the "attach to process" dialog under the Tools menu. 4 - Perform some action in the application to make my code execute, so I can s...

Post build script returning errorlevel 255

I currently have the following script as post build on a project: if $(ConfigurationName) == "Debug (x64)" || $(ConfigurationName) == "Release (x64)" (goto :x64) if $(ConfigurationName) == "Debug" || $(ConfigurationName) == "Release" (goto :x86) :x64 copy "$(SolutionDir)References\x64\System.Data.SQLite.dll" "$(TargetDir)System.Data.SQ...

How to sign a binary as part of post build step using sn.exe from Windows SDK?

Hi all, I am a totally unfamiliar in this C# Visual Studio programming environment but I am required to finish a task. I am sorry if my question seems silly. But I really could not understand what other posts on this site or other site on the net explaining. I need a step by step guide to do this final step to accomplish my task. I h...