
Do Perl CGI programs have a buffer overflow or script vulnerability for HTML contact forms?

Greetings all, My hosting company says it is possible to fill an HTML form text input field with just the right amount of garbage bytes to cause a buffer overflow/resource problem when used with Apache/HTTP POST to a CGI-Bin Perl script (such as NMS FormMail). They say a core dump occurs at which point an arbitrary script (stored as p...

having problem getting the posted array from jquery ...

hi im trying to post a group of array using jquery post method but , am having trouble getting the value of those array how can i get the values of the array that i have sent ? if somebody could help me i would be grateful.... here is what i have done: $(document).ready( function() { $("#submit_info").click ( function() {...

UploadString (Post Method) in VB.NET doesn't work

Hi, I am trying to post simple data to some site, in this example to a php file on my local server. My VB.NET Code: Dim W As New Net.WebClient Dim A As String = "" W.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 Dim URL As String = "http://localhost/test/p.php" A = W.UploadString(URL, "bla=test") MsgBox(A) and here the p.php: <? print_r($_P...

XML HTTP POST integration in .NET

I'm working on a .NET project that integrates with an external company. This company will be sending us XML messages via HTTP POST (raw XML, not SOAP). There are basically three different types of XML messages they will be sending us, which all have their own XSDs. There is no inheritance hierarchy between these XSDs, they are all bas...

Redirect from within an Ajax form post

I have an action method that depending on some conditions needs to return a partial view via ajax, or redirect to another Controller/Action. The correct view is returned but it is placing it in the Ajax forms UpdateTargetId rather than redirecting to a completely new page. Anyone have any idea how I can accomplish this? ...

Reading Data From $_POST[] in PHP

Hey guys, I'm trying to read POST data in a PHP script. My first instincts led me to the $_POST[] array, but for whatever reason, it's never populated. I'm using HTTP Client for OS X, to send POST requests. I enter the URL of the script, set the method to POST, set the content-type header to text/plain ...

Jquery post problem

//post data function SubmitForm(method) { var login = document.form.login.value; var password = document.form.password.value; $.post("../content/backend.php", { login: login,password: password,method: method}); } Im trying to post data using the above call. In firefox firebug flashes up an error but dose not give me time to evaluate th...

Django URLs - How to pass in multiple caterories via the clean URL without the need for ?

Hi, I want to stay way from GET params. Don't want to use POST and I have at least two different categories to build the URL for. The visitors are first asked to choose a location wich can be one of, for example: || ||

How can I get the post data in a collection format in ASP.NET?

I am wondering how I can get the post data in a collection format? Say if I have a form and one textbox named firstname, normally i type var fn = txtFirstName.Text; to get the data from that textbox. but I am wondering when i click on submit data to post the form how i can get the collection of raw post data? thank you. I want to ge...

PHP $_POST not working

I set up this test page up on my server. Please tell me why the $_POST array does not contain anything even when I submit the form. I have tried this in three different browsers and nothing happens. <?php print_r($_POST);?> <form method="post"> <p><label>Email: </label> <input type="text" id="login_email" /> </p> <p><label>Password: ...

Sharepoint web part POST

It's easy to create a hyperlink that passes parameters using GET by adding them to the URL: http:\ but the web service I'm connecting to uses POST. What's the best way to do this in Sharepoint? ...

Post and Get via CURL

I'm trying to send information from a form and a hidden email variable (from a db) to a PHP script using cURL. I have the post items moving correctly, but I am not sure if can also send a variable vai the url. (the $_Get) ...

Posting a form without changing pages in a jsp

In a jsp, how do you post a form without changing the page? In essence, I'm trying to: 1) First, kick off a servlet on the backend with a post to process the HttpServletRequest. 2) Second, once the servlet completes, a response message will be posted in a DIV on the page using prototype's Ajax.Updater function. All without leaving...

Is it possible to use http get and http post in NSIS?

Hi all, I have a local updater that is able to download a mini installer from the web server using the NSISdl plugin. Let's say I have a bunch of mini installer versions. Is there also a way for the local installer to check for the "LATEST" mini installer available from the web server . I've heard you can do that through a web servic...

PHP Difference between Curl and HttpRequest

I have a need to do RAW POST (PUT a $var) requests to a server, and accept the results from that page as a string. Also need to add custom HTTP header information (like x-example-info: 2342342) I have two ways of doing it Curl ( PHP HTTP using the HTTPRequest (

How to get POST URL with parameters from HttpServletReqest in ServletFilter? (For proxy app)

Due to browser restrictions I need to use a proxy to make an openlayers map work. The OpenLayers.ProxyHost javascript object handles the generation of a URL like: http://webhost:8080/app/proxy/?url=http://WFS_server/options/... Some of the requests will be GET's and others will be POST's. I've written a Servlet Filter that will recie...

RAW POST using Curl in PHP

How can I do a RAW POST in PHP using curl. Raw post as in without any encoding, and my data is stored in a string. The data should be formatted like this ... usual HTTP header ... Content-Length: 1039 Content-Type: text/plain 89c5fdataasdhf kajshfd akjshfksa hfdkjsa falkjshfsa ajshd fkjsahfd lkjsahflksahfdlkashfhsadkjfsalhfd ajshdfhsa...

ASP.NET with jQuery - POST vs GET

Hi everyone! Ok, I have a very silly question to ask (which Im rather embaressed about I must admit!). Im using the nyroModal plugin for jQuery within an ASP.NET 3.5 WebForms app. Basically, let's say I have a hyperlink pointing to When the link is clicked, I want GetData.html to extract data f...

Best way to get post info into variables without displaying them in Wordpress

I am writing a Wordpress plugin and need to go through a number of posts, grab the data from them (for the most part title, permalink, and content), and apply processing to them without displaying them on the page. What I've looked at: I've looked at get_posts() for getting the posts, and then getting title via the_title(), content v...

Posting data from one page to another

Ok I have done enough research on it but cant find the solution. Its from one page of a application to another page of application. Since I would be sending in username and password i cant send it as "getT" so i need to do a "post". I will be using ssl though - not sure if that helps.. so i cant use sessions as its on different apps and ...