
Coordinates conversion

Hi, I am working over a small component for a web portal that show polygons over a map, using OpenLayers, Google Maps, and another proprietary source . The user has the points in PSAD56 (UTM) datum and I need to change it to WGS84 in order to use with Google Maps. I have at hand both Oracle 9i without spatial extensions and postgis....

Adding data to multiple records

Hello all.... I have a project with various parts.... One of which is the calculate the area of all the polygons on a map. When I run the query "select st_area(nycpp.the_geom) from nycpp;" I get a list of all the areas. Next, I tried adding the results of the query to the nycpp table with UPDATE nycpp SET area_sizes = (select st_a...

distance calculation between two ports with PostgreSQL and Postgis

I'm using PostgreSQL with PostGis and have shapes of all countries loaded. How can I calculate the shortes sea route between two ports (without intersecting a country shape) is there a 'standard solution'? ...

Another add data to multiple records in PostGIS table

Nicklas, thanks for the answer to my previous question.... Forgive me for my ignorance and for asking what may turn out to be rather simple questions, but databases are not my area of expertise. The select statement that gives me the number of crashes in each percinct: SELECT P.precinct, count(C) FROM nycpp P, nyccrash C WHERE _st_c...