
Driving directions using Postgis and pgRouting

I'm looking for a library based on Postgis and pgRouting that will provide driving directions as well as a route between any two given points. The second part works fine using pgRouting but can't seem to find anything that'll provide driving directions from the route output by pgRouting. Does anyone have any idea where I can find such a ...

PostGIS and JPA 2.0

Hi *, I like to map datatypes from PostGIS with JPA 2.0. I googled for solutions or examples, but all I can find is, that JPA does not support mapping of custom data types. Is it still in JPA 2.0? Has anybody a hint for an example? Thanks & regards Patrick ...

How can I use geoalchemy with elixir autoload tables?

I'm using geoalchemy and autoloaded tables, but I'd like to use Elixir, because it has a nicer query syntax. Does anyone know how to get them to work together? I did get it working with this code -- -- but that still gives the ugly warning about not recognising the geometry column ...

How can I display characters in a map by mapfile?

Hello. I'm trying to show a map using postGIS+Mapserver. And I've displayed a PNG picture in my WEB. However, I want to show some charactors in the map, just like this: this is the example from Mapserver Now I'm using database(postgreSQL), but not a shape file. How can I add the charactors then? Here is a part of my mapfile: LAYER ...

How do I convert a latitude/longitude pair into a PostGIS geography type?

I'm trying to load a bunch of latitude/longitude pairs into a PostGIS geography type so as to be able to query by location. In particular I have a table with float latitude and longitude columns and a geography(Point, 4326) column. I would like to do update mytable set geography = ??? The documentation appears to suggest that the fo...

Problem building Postgis 1.5.x for Pg 8.4 on Ubuntu 9.10

Here are things installed: $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.4 libpq5 libpq-dev Here is a past to my config.out: And, here are some hints I got from IRC (names concealed) < foo> it's NOT failing to find libpq. < foo> libpq is present, but not compilable without adding a boatload of other -l ...

postgres - ERROR: operator does not exist

Again, I have a function that works fine locally, but moving it online yields a big fat error... Taking a cue from a response in which someone had pointed out the number of arguments I was passing wasn't accurate, I double-checked in this situation to be certain that I am passing 5 arguments to the function itself... Query failed: ERRO...

Install Postgis in cpanel with an already installed PostgreSQL?

How can i install Postgis in cpanel with an already installed PostgreSQL? ...

How can I convert a projection that's not part of spatial_ref_sys?

Hi, I'm importing shapefiles into a Postgres+PostGIS database. Here's my usual procedure: * Find an srid in the spatial_ref_sys table where srtext appears to match the shapefile's .prj file * Upload the data into a new table using the shp2pgsql utility, specifying the srid using the -s flag * Add the new table to my main geometry table...

Fast find near users using PostGIS

I have 5 tables: - users - information about user with current location_id (fk to geo_location_data) - geo_location_data - information about location, with PostGIS geography(POINT, 4326) column - user_friends - relationships between users. I want to find near friends for current user, but it takes a lot of time of executing select que...

Can I ask Postgresql to ignore errors within a transaction

I use Postgresql with the PostGIS extensions for ad-hoc spatial analysis. I generally construct and issue SQL queries by hand from within psql. I always wrap an analysis session within a transaction, so if I issue a destructive query I can roll it back. However, when I issue a query that contains an error, it cancels the transaction. ...

Installing PostGIS on Windows

I've installed PostgreSQL and PostGIS, and now I'm trying to follow these instructions: But I keep getting the following error, both in the command prompt and in Cygwin: C:\Users\Home>createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis createdb: could not connect to databas...

Divide a path into N sections using Java or PostgreSQL/PostGIS

Imagine a GPS tracking system that is following the position of several objects. The points are stored in a database (PostgreSQL + PostGIS). Each path is composed by a different number of points. That is the reason why, in order to compare a pair of paths (compare the whole path), I want to divide every path in a set of 100 points. Th...

cretaing SHP from SQL

Is it possible convert sql to shp file using pgsql2shp without shell. Through some sql (postgis, postgresql) syntax? ...

Using data from a dataset in styles with Mapnik

I've setup Mapnik to connect to a PostGIS database, and display geometry. I'd like to have a column in my database called opacity, and use it as the opacity for that row of geometry when Mapnik renders it. So far, I've only found information on how to display text from the database, and how to use filters to display different styles wh...

Java EE app with PostGis hosting issue

Hello all I developed a web app that runs on tomcat 5.5 and needs PostGIS. It's been very difficult to find a hosting solution for these requirements. Is out there any professional hosting companies that can handle this hosting. (I say so because hostjava which i have payed already cannot install PostGIS) Any other suggestions? ...

How do I use ST_Contains in following case?

I have two tables. First with points, and second with polygons. I need to find out which points are in required polygon according to the attribute gid. Using query: SELECT table1.* FROM table1, table2 WHERE table2.gid=1 AND ST_Contains(table2.geom2, table1.geom1); What I get is empty table (only columns without data)... Tnx ...

How to change SRID of geometry column?

I have table where the one of columns is geometry column the_geom for polygons with SRID. I added new column in the same table with exactly the same geometry data as in the_geom. This another column has name the_geom4258 because I want here to set up another SRID=4258. So what is the procedure to set up another SRID geometry to be change...

is there any temporary table after query?

After I got results from some query is there any name of temporary table created from those results??? ...

Use GIS to get geographic info for a single point

I am not quite sure where to start with this. I only just started looking into this in the past week, but hopefully someone can help point me in the right direction. The goal of my project is to be able to take a geohash, decode it to latitude and longitude, check the point against some GIS data, and find out some information about that...