
F#'s fshtmldoc.exe using Mono/OS X

This is doubtless something obvious, but downloading the F# PowerPack from codeplex and running fshtmldoc produces this error: clements$ mono ./fshtmldoc.exe FSharp.PowerPack.dll Processing 'FSharp.PowerPack.dll'... Unexpected failure while writing HTML docs: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Microsoft.FSharp.Metadata....

ArgumentNullException from "Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack" (TPH workflow)

Hi, I'm using EF4 and Model-first-approach. I noticed that the default inheritance strategy is TPT (Table per type). I wasn't satisfied with the performance, so I would like to try TPH instead, but there doesn't seem to be any support for this in the standard Entity Designer(?). I was happy to find the "Entity Designer Database Generat...

F# Powerpack's Metadata doesn't recognize FSharp.Core as an F# library

Here's my test code to isolate the problem: open Microsoft.FSharp.Metadata [<EntryPoint>] let main args = let core = FSharpAssembly.FromFile @"C:\Program Files\FSharp-\\bin\FSharp.Core.dll" let core2 = FSharpAssembly.FSharpLibrary let core3 = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |> Seq.find (fun a -...