
Using ed to manipulate files matched by find

Following the bash-hackers wiki's recommendation, I want to edit files using ed. In particular I want to do the following with ed instead of sed: find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/a/b/g' {} \; I see that ed doesn't have opt like sed's -e, so as far as I know, pipes and io redirections are the only way to work with it non-interactivel...

ArgumentNullException from "Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack" (TPH workflow)

Hi, I'm using EF4 and Model-first-approach. I noticed that the default inheritance strategy is TPT (Table per type). I wasn't satisfied with the performance, so I would like to try TPH instead, but there doesn't seem to be any support for this in the standard Entity Designer(?). I was happy to find the "Entity Designer Database Generat...

change random line with shellscript

how can i easily (quick and dirty) change, say 10, random lines of a file with a simple shellscript? i though about abusing ed and generating random commands and line ranges, but i'd like to know if there was a better way ...