
Resolving Configuration Error in WCF AddressFilter Mismatch

I am getting the following error and could use some help resolving it. Anyone have any ideas? The message with To 'http://localhost:60078/BidService.svc/Query' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree. The client config...

How can I deploy my WCF Service without IIS?

I'm doing some quick Java-.NET interop and have decided on POX with WCF. However, I don't want to -- nor have access to -- deploy to IIS. Would just wrapping it up as a .NET Service be the way to go? (I've built my fair share of Windows services in my years.) Are there any good samples around of this? What handles the HTTP if I'...

WCF REST tutorials for POX

can anyone tell me where to find good WCF REST tutorials? using (POX) this one is ok http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa395208.aspx but i want to use something a little simpler i cant seem to find anything decent that uses webget/webinvoke attributes etc... i dont want to use the REST Starter kit ...

Manually writing WCF POX posts

Let's say I have a WCF contract such as [ServiceContract] public interface IContract { [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method="POST", RequestFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml, BodyStyle=WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)] string ComplexPost(string name, ComplexType data); } And a data contract: [DataContract(Name="ComplexType", Namesp...

Double request while making POX REST call using WCF with WebHttpBinding set to Basic Authentication

Having an issue while making POX REST call using WCF with WebHttpBinding set to Basic Authentication (HttpClientCredentialType.Basic) Instead of one call from the client with “Authorization: Basic” specified in HTTP Header, two calls are made. First call without authentication at all to which service responses with 401 Unauthorized erro...

Problem with serialization to XML using REST and WCF.

Hi guys. I am having problem with using REST and returning response as an XML. I've created basic service from the template and everything looks nice but when I want to serialize my class and return it as a responce the service returns something else. Take a look: [WebHelp(Comment = "Sample description for DoWork")] [WebInvoke(UriTemp...

What is the significance of POX ("plain old XML")?

I've seen some references recently to POX or "plain old XML". Is there a movement to simplify XML use? Wikipedia says: People typically use the term [POX] as a contrast with complicated, multilayered XML specifications like those for web services or RDF. Personally I find some of the usage of XML schemas and DTDs overly com...

WCF Rest parameters involving complex types

Setting up a WCF service that uses the webHttpBinding... I can return complex types from the method as XML ok. How do I take in a complex type as a parameter? [ServiceContract(Name = "TestService", Namespace = "http://www.test.com/2009/11")] public interface ITestService { [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ...

WCF + POX + XDocument, is there a way to do it?

I'm in deep trouble because I wrote a POX service w/ WCF and WebInovke and specified the input type as XElement because we need several different types of data coming into. I'm in trouble now because the service throws a 400 Bad Request if you submit an xml infoset w/ processing instructions. When I tried changing it to XDocument, the se...

Configure WCF endpoint for Plain Old XML (POX)?

Is there anyway to configure WCF endpoint/binding to send the data "as-is" without wrapping as a soap message (with the Envelope tag, etc.)? I'm trying to send an xml using WCF and its ended up wrapped as a soap and i would like that the server side would get it as plain xml (exactly as the original) because i can't change the server s...

How to create HTTP POST Request Body content with WCF REST (Starter Kit)

I'm integrating an app with ZenDesk. They have a REST API. I need to send POX in the request body. I'm using the WCF REST Starter Kit. How do I programmatically add my xml to the request body? Here's my unit test: [Test] public void Can_create_user() { // Arrange http = new HttpClient("...

WCF REST: passing a generic list as a request

I have a POST with a WebMessageFormat.Xml. It's a simple method that takes in a Company object. Aside from simple types containing "CompanyId", "CompanyName", "CompanyDescription etc., inside the XML there is a series of the same element containing tons of metadata involving contacts. I wanted to pop that into a List. [DataContract...

A simple WCF Service (POX) without complex serialization

I'm a complete WCF novice. I'm trying to build a deploy a very, very simple IIS 7.0 hosted web service. For reasons outside of my control it must be WCF and not ASMX. It's a wrapper service for a pre-existing web application that simply does the following: 1) Receives a POST request with the request body XML-encapsulated form element...

POX return data from WCF Data Services

I am using WCF Data Services (netfx4) to provide data sourced from SQL via EF, the standard OData mechanism is fine and JSON works as well but I need a third option for generic POX (plain old xml). I have yet to come across a simple strategy or switch that allows me to control this but I am sure one must exist or a workaround method migh...

WCF - SSO authentication token and POX interfaces

Here's what I'm trying to do. We have a SSO authentication service that other externally facing web pages and services use to authenticate users. A user tries to reach a service, if no cookie is found containing an authentication token, they are redirected to the SingleSignOn authentication service. The auth service does it's work, and ...

Accepting XML as method parameters in WCF RESTful Service

Folks, I'm about 90% of where I want to be with my WCF RESTful service but I'm having a little trouble with figuring out a good way to do POST data. I want it to work the way it does in the MVC engine where the body of the HTTP message in the POST is run through the model binder and it tries to convert that data into the data type of t...

Plain Old XML webservice using Spring: which view technolgy?

I have been writing a Plain Old XML webservice using Spring MVC. Currently I am using Freemarker to layout the XML, and that works ok. But I'm wondering what other approaches I could look at? Reason is that now I need to also serve up regular html and am therefore looking at the whole view layer. ...