
How to run OpenGL code with out compiling?

So I have some openGL code (such code for example) /* FUNCTION: YCamera :: CalculateWorldCoordinates ARGUMENTS: x mouse x coordinate y mouse y coordinate vec where to store coordinates RETURN: n/a DESCRIPTION: Convert mouse coor...

PHP: optimum configuration storage ?

Hello, My application gets configured via a lot of key/values (let's say 30.000 for instance) I want to find the best deployment method for these configurations, knowing that I want to avoid DEFINEs to allow for runtime re-configuration. I have thought of pre-compiling them into an array via a php file pre-compiling them into a tmpf...

what converts aspx files into c#

which process or class is responsible for converting aspx files and data-binding expressions into c# ? for example <%# Eval("XXXXX") %> is transformed into: public void @__DataBind__control118(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItem Container; System.Web.UI.DataBoundLitera...

Precompiling JSPs: Is that server specific?

Since JSPs adhere to a standard API, can I precompile them in my projects and then deploy the result on any server? Specifically, I'm using Tomcat, JBoss and WebSphere. ...