
preg_match_all to parse an xml-like attribute string

I have a string like so: option_alpha="value" option_beta="some other value" option_gamma="X" ...etc. I'm using this to parse them into name & value pairs: preg_match_all("/([a-z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*[\"\'](.+?)[\"\']/is", $var_string, $matches) Which works fine, unless it encounters an empty attribute value: option_alpha="value" option_b...

Is there a way to pass another parameter in the preg_replace_callback callback function?

mmmh guys, i really hope my english is good enaught to explain what i need. Lets take this example (that is just an example!) of code: class Something(){ public function Lower($string){ return strtolower($string); } } class Foo{ public $something; public $reg; public $string; public function __construct(...

regex preg_match|preg_match_all in php

I'm trying to come up with a regex that constructs an array that looks like the one below, from the following string $str = 'Hello world [something here]{optional}{optional}{optional}{n possibilities of this}'; So far I have /^(\*{0,3})(.+)\[(.*)\]((?:{[a-z ]+})?)$/ Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Hello world [s...

extract every occurrence on string

I have a string of the form "a-b""c-d""e-f"... Using preg_match, how could I extract them and get an array as: Array ( [0] =>a-b [1] =>c-d [2] =>e-f ... [n-times] =>xx-zz ) Thanks ...

regular expression remove comment tag

I want remove html commnent tag <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--hide me-->Abc<!--hide me--> after remove </div> Abc ...

Php regular expression to match a div

Hello This is mycode <?php /** * @author Joomlacoders * @copyright 2010 */ $url=""; $innerHtml=file_get_contents($url); //echo $innerHtml; preg_match_all("{\<div id='news-id-.*d'\>(.*)\</div\>}",$innerHtml,$matches); //<div id='news-id-160346'> var_dum...

regular expression search and replace

Hello This is some code <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> but I want replace <br /> fourth with <hr /> And this output <br /> <br /> <br /> <hr /> <br /> <br /> Please help me ...

preg_match , pattern, php

I'm trying to extract some specific pictures from html content . Currently I have the following array [1] => Array ( [0] => BuEZm5g!Wk~$(KGrHqQH-DgEvrb2CLuOBL-vbkHlKw~~_14.JPG#!BuEZm5g!Wk~$(KGrHqQH-DgEvrb2CLuOBL-vbkHlKw~~_12.JPG|1#!BuEZqMQBGk~$(KGrHqQH-DoEvrKYSoPiBL-vb)WgLw~~_14.JPG#!BuEZ...

Get all text between tags with preg_match_all() or better function?

2010-June-11 <remove>2010-June-2</remove> <remove>2010-June-3</remove> 2010-June-15 2010-June-16 2010-June-17 2010-June-3 2010-June-2 2010-June-1 I'm trying to find all instances that are between the <remove> tags This is what I have: $pattern = "/<remove>(.*?)<\/remove>/"; preg_match_all($pattern, $_POST['exclude'], $matches); fore...

str_replace match only first instance

A followup question to Given the following POST data: 2010-June-3 <remove>2010-June-3</remove> 2010-June-15 2010-June-16 2010-June-17 2010-June-3 2010-June-1 I'm wanting to remove ONLY the first instance of 2010-June-3, but the following code removes all the data. $i = 1; $pattern = "/<rem...

Best way to create a "template interpreter" in PHP

Hi! I'm hosting a multi area solution written in PHP, and each customer has its own template in some HTML files. Now I want these users to be able to use some chunks of dynamic content, but they can't be able to use PHP. I thought something like: In the HTML file, if I put this: <ul>[menu-list]</ul> Will output something like: <ul>...

PHP: Trouble with preg_match_all() return

I'm writing this quick script to extract chatroom names from the source of a webpage. I'm grabbing the data with fopen() and fgets() and that all returns fine. My regex is /#[a-zA-z]+/, which does seem to work. However I can not get preg_match_all() to return a concise list of data. preg_match_all("/#[a-zA-z]+/", $contents, $foo, PREG_...

prematch for replace html tags


Enable whitespace in php regular expresssion

I want to have A-Z, 0-9 and whitespace ignored in regular expression, currently I have this, it works but whitespaces are ignored too but I need them. preg_match_all("/[^\w]/",$string,$matches); ...

PHP REGEX: Ignore + and #

So here is what I'm doing exactly: I have a form with a caption on the right of it, I want to write in the form only A-Z,0-9 and whitespaces, and for the caption I want to do the opposite, so if the user write's something wrong I can show what's the problem for example: "Invalid Charachter" But I'm stuck with + and # I want to ignore ...

preg_match_all() not returning anything!

Hi, im a little stumped here. Im testing some scripts that I have wrote on my computer (wamp) but for some reason when using preg_match_all() nothing works! I even comment out most of the other code to see if something was interfering but no, still the same. Errors do show but not when using preg_match_all(); any help much appreciated; ...

pregmatch separate number and character

Hi this is my keyword BC1024 , AB124 , CBC2548 , using preg match to separate the number and character , For that i tried this preg match expression , but its not working greatly , preg_match_all('/(?P\w+): (?P\d+)/', $flight_code_no, $matches,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); i want output as Array ( [0] => BC1024: 2008 [name] =>...

PHP regex for matching double and/or single quoted strings within in a string.

Hello, I'm working on a template class and I've an issue when trying to parse out a list of quoted strings from a string argument list. Take for example the string: $string = 'VAR_SELECTED, \'Hello m\'lady\', "null"'; I'm having a problem coming up with a regex that extracts the string "Hello m'lady" and "null". The closest I have go...

preg match not reading content between table

preg_match_all('|(.*?)|', $read, $foo, PREG_SET_ORDER); print_r($foo); output as just Array ( ) Where i made mistake See guys , Actually i want to grab the exact details from this URL i want to pick this details from this URL 08:35 9W5048 TORONTO EXPECTED 1358 Terminal three So i tried this snippet , but...

Find a tag with a specific suffix using preg_match

I'm looking for tags that end in a specific way using regular expressions in PHP. However all my attempts either result in too much or too little. For example, in the following string I'd like to match 'bar' because it is in a tag that ends with 'suffix'. preg_match_all("/<(.*?)suffix>/", "<foo> <barsuffix> <baz>" However the above l...