
How to use preg_match to test for spaces?

How would i use the php function preg_match() to test a string to see if any spaces exist? example "this sentence would be tested true for spaces" "thisOneWouldTestFalse" ...

How do I use a variable pattern with preg_match?

I don't know if this is enough data to feed off of, but I have preg_match('/SAMPLETEXT/', $bcurl, $cookie1); and I was wondering if I can make it preg_match($newfunction, $bcurl, $cookie1); but when I do, I get this error "Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in". How ...

preg match for nested tags

I would like to catch all "dev" tags and their respective content, through php preg_match_all() but can't get the nested ones. data: <dev>aaa</dev> <dev>bbb</dev> <dev> ccc <dev>ddd</dev> </dev> my expression so far: |<dev>(.*)</dev>|Uis thanks, for your help, b. ...

How to find a URL from a content by PHP?

need a simply preg_match, which will find "c.aspx" (without quotes) in the content if it finds, it will return the whole url. As a example $content = '<div>[4]<a href="/m/c.aspx?mt=01_9310ba801f1255e02e411d8a7ed53ef95235165ee4fb0226f9644d439c11039f%7c8acc31aea5ad3998&amp;n=783622212">New message</a><br/>'; now it should preg_match "c....

Trying to find Twitter RT's with Regular Expressions and PHP

I'm trying to find the correct Regular Expression to match all RT scenarios on Twitter (can't wait to Twitter's new retweet API). The way I see it, RT's can be at the beginning, middle, or end of the string returned from Twitter. So, I need something at the beginning and end of this Regular Expression: ([Rr])([Tt]) No matter what I...

Removing first newline preg_replace

Hi All, I'm writing some PHP to convert BBcode to HTML. I would like to convert this BBcode: [quote] Hello World [/quote] to the following: <blockquote>Hello World</blockquote> The preg_replace function that I'm using to perform this is: preg_replace("/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/s", "<blockquote>\\1</blockquote>", $bbCode); Thi...

PHP preg_match - what's wrong with this RegEx???

The values will be in this format 123-123-123-12345 that I would like the preg_match to work for. Can you see anything wrong with this regEx? foreach($elem as $key=>$value) { // Have tried this With and without the + before the $ as well if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{5}+$/", $value)) { echo "Yeah matc...

Need help with simple preg_match/preg_replace regex in php

I'm trying to do a simple task of altering thousands of music video embed codes with a common with/height. For example, I have the following code: <object width="480px" height="407px" > <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="movie" value="http://mediaservices.mys...

php preg_match regex

Still having RegEx issues.. Need to match the following characters a-zA-z9-0 , . ' " ( ) _ - : (SPACE) Not all the values will have all these but could have them. I have everything withing but the parentheses, Single and Double Quoytes /^[\w. ,\/:_-]+$/ UPDATE: I got it working with this: "/^[\w. ,:()'\"-]+$/" $val_1 = "Abh acb 1...

how to escape < sign in php regex

Should i add some character/s before or after < character (which is in string i'm trying to extract something from - it's html page) when doing preg match? ...

Preg_match regex help

Hi there I need a bit of help. Here is the existing preg_match code: preg_match("/(\/)([0-9]+)(\/?)$/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $m); which does a good job of detecting the post_id in the following URI string: I believe that should be enough background. I'm changing the 999, the...

Preg_match_all <a href

Hello i want to extract links <a href="/portal/clients/show/entityId/2121" > and i want a regex which givs me /portal/clients/show/entityId/2121 the number at last 2121 is in other links different any idea? ...

Pulling RegEx from MySQL into PHP

I am trying to get the regex string from a table, but as soon as I put it into preg_match it throws an error about an unexpected "\". If I use the exact same string directly there is no issue. ...

Problems with PHP PCRE

I'm having a problem with PHP PCRE, and I'm used to POSIX, so I'm not too sure about what I'm doing wrong. Basically, this function is matching up to 10 numbers separated by commas. However, it's also matching the string sdf (and probably many others), which I don't see the reason for. Can anyone help me? $pattern='^\d{0,5},? ?\d{0,5},?...

preg_match not splitting one result

Hi this code SHOULD put all segments into an array. $dir = "../"; #$dir = "../../logged.php"; $str = base64_encode(htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("#(?:\s\s+)|(?:\n)|(?:\t)|(?:\r)#", " ", file_get_contents($dir)))); $dataToAdd = array(); for($x=0; true; $x++) { if(preg_match("#(".base64_en...

Preg match text in php between html tags

Hello I would like to use preg_match in PHP to parse the "Desired text" out of the following from a html document <p class="review"> Desired text </p> Ordinarily I would use simple_html_dom for such things but on this occasion it cannot be used (the above element doesn't appear in every desired div tag so I'm forced to use this approa...

php preg_match two examples

Hello, I need to preg_match for src="http:// " where the blank space following // is the rest of the url ending with the ". My adapted doesn't seem to work: preg_match('#src="(http://[^"]+)#', $data, $match); And I am also struggling to get text that starts with > and ends with EITHER a full stop . or an exclamation mark ! or...

How to explode date from a string using php preg_match and regex

I am processing strings with a date somewhere in it. There are different ways the date can appear in this string: "… 01.11.2009 18:00-21:00 …" or "… 01.11.2009 18:00-02.11.2009 15:00 …" or "… 01.11.2009 18:00 …" Regardless how the date appears I only need the beginning date "01.11.2009 18:00". So if there are two matches it's just...

Matching multiple occurrence of the same character with preg_match

how can i find multiple occurrence of the same character? something like: $maxRepeat = 3; "pool" passes "poool" don't i need this to work for any character, so i guess I'll have to escape special characters like . and \ which characters i have to escape? do you know any good reference to preg_match regexp apart from the one on php...

PHP removing text from preg_match result

Hello I am using preg_match to parse for data, it works 99% of the time but sometimes it gives me a result like: $match[1] = <a href="example">text i want</a> when what I really want is the "text i want" string. I am looping preg match and 99% of the time $match[1] gives me the text string i want but I want to implement something into...